P2 Mrs Currie Daily Update 27.03.20

Good morning and happy Friday.

We have got to the end of our first week of remote learning together.  I hope you’ve all been able to stay active even if you are indoors or in your garden.  I’ve been trying my best too.  Every day I start with a ten minute set of exercises, I found a really good tutorial online for this.  Have you tried Joe Wicks on youtube at 9am?  If not give it a go next week.

Home Learning Grid

Today is about self-assessing; how have you got on with your learning this week?

This week we will focus on two stars and a wish.

For this I would like you to choose two things you think you did really well with this week with your learning (these are the two stars) and write them down or tell someone at home.  And then decide on one thing you would like to improve (this is your wish).

You can use your wish as a goal for next week to see if you can improve on it.


How did you get on with your writing?

Use a pink pen and green pen and read over your story again.  Using the success criteria that was on your weekly grid,

Your success criteria for this writing was to;

*Use capital letters and full stops in every sentence.

*Write at least four sentences.

*Try to use and/but/because to stretched one of your sentences.

Tickle pink by under lining or drawing a circle around each of the success criteria that you see in your story.  Ask someone at home to check over your work too, if you have any spelling errors they should choose three and underline them with the green for growth green pen.  Find out the correct spelling of the word and write the words out three times each.

For the reading section of your work where you had to write about a character from a book you can always use the comments section here to tell me which character you were writing about.


Please see the link below for the answers to your partitioning work.

Answer Sheets Week 1 Maths partitioning

Well done everyone this week.!

Next Monday morning I will post a new weekly grid for you.  Then on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I will send out some daily activities to support or challenge your learning.  On a Friday we will have time to reflect and self assess.

Mrs Currie

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