P7 Weekly Round Up

Weekly Highlights

Literacy – Mrs Scott has introduced us to West Lothian Council’s new reading targets. We are going to pilot these in our class from next week and we will using our group reading sessions to look at the key reading comprehension skills. This week we looked at SUMMARISING. We worked with a talk partner to take notes on the chapters of our novel under five headings. This was tricky as we had to get our skimming and scanning skills put to good use! Next week we will look at doing this again to develop confidence.

Numeracy – Fractions. Need we say anymore? We have dabbled in fractions across the course of this year to build our confidence and give us experience of working with them – but now, we are going for it! This week we have started off easy by looking at equivalent fractions – what are equivalent fractions? Ask your child to explain this to you… if they can’t explain it, can they find out some information to help them? We will keep chipping away at fractions, decimals and percentages to build our knowledge and understanding – wish us luck!

HWB – As next week begins Fair Trade fortnight we had a little introduction to Fair Trade through our art lesson where we looked at the Fair Trade logo, what it means and we had a go at designing our own. We built on our previous learning about what Fair Trade means and discussed some of the issues faced by farmers and workers in certain areas of the world where Fair Trade have helped.


Pupil Voice

Freya – I liked doing the Fair Trade logo in art

Neve – The class novel was good; We thought Joe’s dad had depression and now we know he got it when Joe’s mum died

Jay – We’ve got a new devices contract we have all signed so we use our devices properly in school, we can’t go on social media

Aleks – I love fractions!


Home Learning

This week we revamped our class contract and how it fits with the UN Convention on the Rights of the child. One of the big discussion points in P7 is around what it looks like being ready to learn in our class… Sometimes is looks differently depending on what we are doing and what we are learning. As a family, take some time to discuss what your child enjoys about their learning and what they don’t… is it something that we can change together? Is it something that they need to find strategies to work through? When do they feel ‘ready to learn’? What do they need every day to come into school feeling like they are ‘ready’?

As hard as it is to talk about what is around the corner (*high school*) – what do they need to work on now, so that they are best equipped to reach their potential when they get there? We will be having lots of discussion about our skills and talents in the coming weeks so it would be great for them to have a bit of background 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend!

One thought on “P7 Weekly Round Up”

  1. Some great discussion this week in P7 around the topic of being ready. Lots to think about for now and the future!
    I always like to think about food and shopping when learning about fractions and percentages, it always helps!!

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