P1/2 Update


This week we have been rehearsing really hard for our Nativity Show.  We cannot wait to share our hard work and enthusiasm with you all next week on Wednesday and Thursday…on Monday we are performing for the whole school, this will be the first time we have ever had an audience!

It was also a busy week preparing for the Christmas Fayre.  Our class made Hot Chocolate Reindeer with extra marshmallow toppings (we sold out within 40 minutes!).  This enterprise project has been a super vehicle for learning about different skills required in business.  We had to use our Numeracy skills to work out how much to charge for our Reindeer Bags and we learned the vocabulary profit when discussing this.  P2 also developed their literacy skills, they learned how to write a list (this was for the ingredients and resources that we needed), they labelled a diagram (to show where all the different parts of the resources went to make the final product) and they wrote a set of instructions on how to assemble the Reindeer Bags.  P1 used their literacy and art skills to create posters to advertise the product, they learned these needed to be bright and clear to be read from a small distance.

In numeracy P1 have completed their first block of addition work, they have shown that they can use pictorial representations, concrete material, fingers and heads to work out their answers.  P2 rounded up their learning of addition and subtraction by looking at word problems and turning these into number sentences.

At Home

Over the next two weeks our focus in class will be shape, symmetry and pattern.  At home look for shapes in our environment (P1 – circle, square, rectangle and triangle, P2 – pentagons, hexagons and octagons).  have a go at repeating shape patterns and play the game of what should come next, look at the example below;

Pupil Voice

Last week during Ninian’s Natter we had the opportunity to evaluate our learning and this week we have started our learning conversations where we evaluate our goals from this term,

Adam says “I have improved my tidying skills and I now know how to tell the quarter past times on a clock”.

Julian says “I am doing really well at PE”.

Lewis says “I am getting better in numeracy with adding and taking away”

When your child tells you that they have had their Learning Conversation at school check out their One Note profile to see their evaluations.

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