P4 Weekly News!

Learning Overview

Literacy and Health and Wellbeing – We have been learning about Road Safety Week by completing a reading comprehension where we read about Road Safety and answered some questions. Then we swapped our work and peer assessed a friend’s jotter. We have also been writing instructions of how to tie a tie. This is called procedure writing. Today we did Kickstart where we up-levelled our work and made improvements.

Numeracy and Maths – In numeracy we have completed a number assessment and we have been learning different strategies in Number Talks. In Maths we have been using 2D shapes to complete tiling patterns. When we are doing tiling it is important that the shapes join together exactly.

IDL – We have been using our play area to explore and investigate through play. We have been using our knowledge of 3D objects across learning to make links between maths, expressive arts and the outdoor environment. We also learned about Enterprise and shared ideas for company names and logos for our stall at the Christmas fair.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

Daniel, Tomasz and Nathan – We enjoyed using the play area to build upon our problem solving and team work skills.

Paul – I enjoyed making a logo in Enterprise.

Lloyd – I enjoyed doing food technology. We have been learning about solids and liquids and we saw the change by melting chocolate to make chocolate rice crispie cakes!

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

Literacy – Think about the instructions which you have written and try to tie a tie at home!

Maths – Look out for tiling patterns at your house and in the environment.

Numeracy – We have been practicing number bonds and making friendly numbers. What two numbers can you add together to make 10? 100? 1000?

HWB – Why not try and do the daily mile or a go on a 15 minute walk this weekend?

IDL – Combine your maths, literacy and technology skills by logging on to SumDog this weekend!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown 🙂

One thought on “P4 Weekly News!”

  1. I really enjoyed joining in with your writing lesson this week – what fun we all had learning to tie a tie!! I think I need to keep practising. It’s great to hear that you are using play to enhance your learning experiences.

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