Here are some of our our highlights for the week:
P.E: In P.E we did Cross Country and also we did some sprinting.
Maths: In maths we were estimating and weighing items in the classroom so we had an idea of what kg and grams feel like. Also we made posters about kg and grams.
Topic: We had to finish our Global Goals Sway presentations and we also had to perform our IMovies and Sway/PowerPoints to our parents as part of our Global goals showcase.
Spanish: In Spanish we were learning how to say fruits and vegetables.
R.E: We created our own prayers to Mary. We decorated our prayers and some of us shared them with the class.
Achievement Assembly: P5R went to the Achievement Assembly. Some people from our class were able to speak about the St. Ninian’s football team because they are currently first in the league.
Comprehension Box: Our class were continuing to do some comprehensions.
Our class were also playing a game outside called Quick Draw Maths for National Numeracy Day.
By Kuba and Cameron F (Lead Learners)
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Reeves and P5R