P5D Weekly Blog

Welcome to our P5D blog post. This has been a really good week.

We have been learning about how to log in to Glow using our own login details and exploring the site and the available features. We enjoyed using Microsoft word online and accessing it through our one drive!

“It has been really interesting and fun to learn about Glow and I managed to login and write on word at home!” – Ola

As it has been maths week, in art we made portraits using numbers only. This meant we had to be VERY creative.  We also made pattern pictures using shape and colour This was trickier than you would expect.

“It was really fun to make the portraits out of numbers!” – Kasia

To help with our number knowledge we have been doing daily number talks, number of the week and the countdown challenge where we have to use the four processes to try and reach the target number.

“I enjoyed doing the number of the week because it was challenging!” – Emily

We have been creating and interpreting different graphs and know that not all graphs contain numbers.

In writing, we pretended to be the main character in our class novel, Jack, and wrote informal letters to his mum to tell her  what we had been up to and how we planned to help her escape from prison.

“What I really liked about writing a letter to Jack’s mum was that we could pretend we were someone else and got to pretend we jumped into Jack’s body!” – Zuzanna

In PE, we have been developing our dribbling skills in hockey. We started a small class tournament and can be rewarded points for winning and good sportsmanship!

“I enjoy hockey and shaking hands with other teams to be a good sportsman.” – Ethan

We have been learning about fiction and non-fiction texts and developed our comprehension skills using a short extract about Ed Sheeran and his musical talent.

“I liked learning about Ed Sheeran and the songs he sings.” – Michelle

“I didn’t know that he wrote his own songs!” – Kasia

“I learned that he wrote a song for Justin Bieber once!” – Calvin

Congratulations to Kasia this week for being awarded our praise postcard for always giving 100% in everything she does!

Have a great long weekend,

Miss Diamond and P5D

One thought on “P5D Weekly Blog”

  1. Emily has really enjoyed Maths week. We are having looking up Pie Charts, Angles and percentages. It has been fun and I’ve enjoyed it too.

    Congratulation Kasia

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