P1M Weekly News

Here are the children’s highlights of our learning this week:

Oliver: “the ‘s’ sound is blue.”

Seren: “it is blue because the back of our tongue is blue and the ‘s’ sound comes from our tongue.”

Chloe: “we were making the ‘s’ sound with pipe cleaners.”

Eve: “we made a Harry and the dinosaurs book.”

Kayla: “we stuck on the author and illustrators name onto the bottom of the book.”

Isabelle: “the title goes at the top of the book.”

Hanna: “we learned how to write the number 8.”

Mark: “we went a walk around the school and saw Mrs Roy.”

Liam: “I made a dinosaur and wrote about the dinosaur. I was the star writer.”

Victoria: “we were writing numbers in flour trays. I wrote the number 8.”

Robert: “we made dinosaurs using plasticine”

Chloe: “we took vidoes with our dinosaurs.”

Blake: “in PE when the music is on we done lots of travelling like running or galloping and when the music stops you freeze or find your own space.”

Evie: “We made a letter ‘p’ with pasta.”

Joshua: “We have a ‘s’ box and a ‘p’ box. Pasta is in the pink ‘p’ box and scissors are in the ‘s’ blue box.”

Below are some ideas to support learning at home:

If you make something at home e.g. a dinosaur, why don’t you make a movie by filming you acting out a story with your creation – great ideas for oral literacy and improving your technology skills!

We were learning about ‘heavy and light’ – what things can you find in your house that are heavy and what things are light?

‘s’ is a blue sound because we use our tongue to make this sound. Can you find the blue veins on the bottom of your tongue. ‘p’ is a pink sound, we make this sound from our lips. Some lip sounds are red because they are loud sounds like ‘m’ but ‘p’ is a quiet lip sound so this is a pink sound. Here are the songs we used to support learning.



Remember to follow Miss Meechan on twitter for videos and photos of our learning @missm_stnps

Check out your child’s online journal for lots of updates too.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to reading all of your comments on Monday.

Miss Meechan and P1M

4 thoughts on “P1M Weekly News”

  1. P1M…this blog is fantastic!! Everyone has such a different and interesting comment, I loved reading them all. You are all continuing to develop your excellent listening and turn taking skills… I am going to take the lovely idea about making a movie at home when you’ve made something , and tell the nursery boys and girls, to do the very same thing. Thank you for that fantastic idea. Isn’t the blog a great way of sharing information. Keep smiling. Mrs Beattie. Xx

  2. Great blog! It’s good to hear everyone’s highlight of the week & get an update on all the activities. Eve has enjoyed making a dinosaur at home & even tried making a a short movie…!

  3. Mrs Beattie:
    Oliver wants to tell you that he has been taking turns when playing.

    Eve’s mummy:
    Eve has been telling us all about her dinosaur and her butterly she made using plasticine and that she made 3 videos.
    Blake wanted to say thank you for commenting on our blog.

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