Eggcellent Blog by Primary 2!

The children helped create the name of the blog.

This week for numeracy we have been completing fact families.
Julia- “There are 2 adding and 2 take-away sums in a fact family”.

Marcus- “You have 3 numbers and you have to use the numbers in different ways to make the 2 adding and the 2 take-away sums. The two addition sums always make the same number but the 2 take-away sums make a different number.”

Leo “For example if you have the numbers 3, 2, and 5 then you could do
3 + 2 = 5
2 + 3 = 5
5 – 3 = 2
5 – 2 = 3”

We have remembered that when you add the numbers get bigger and when you take –away you start with the biggest number.

We like using the subitizing game.
Wojciech “You have to look at the object and say how many there are without counting them.”

Here is a link so that we can show you how to do it at home. The more we practise the quicker we will become.


We have been working hard on our imaginative writing this week; our stories were all about meeting our favourite fairy tale character. We had to try hard to write independently and to include capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, connectives and adjectives. Filip was our star writer this week; he had super ideas and tried to include all aspects of the success criteria, well done Filip!
This week we have been learning all about different houses and homes. We have looked at the different types of houses that we might see in our local area and then we looked at the different types of houses in Fairy land. For art we worked in groups using Mod-Rock to build our own Fairy tale Houses. We aren’t quite finished them yet and will share a completed photo after the holidays but here we are in action.

In RE we have been leaning all about the Easter story, we sequenced pictures of the story and then we used puppets to role play a few different parts of the story.

At Ninian’s natter on Thursday we reflected and worked on our aims with Miss Boyes, completed a mind-map of what we have learned this term, self-assessed and up-leveled our work and had learning conversations.


Julia received the achievement award on today for super effort and improvement in Literacy. Well done Julia!

Miss Boyes loved seeing all of our different Fairy tale characters and homes that we completed for homework. If you have not brought your model in yet then we would love to see it after the holidays as we will be completing class talks to discuss why we chose our character and how we made it.


We hope you have a lovely Easter Break from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!


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