P7 Weekly News!

Primary 7 have had a very different week from normal which involved experiencing learning in the dining hall!!!!! Read on for more information.

Liam – On Monday and Tuesday we used the dining hall as our classroom as our real classroom was getting painted. It’s grey and bright purple and it’s really cool!

Joshua – On Monday we welcomed our new Acting Depute Head Mrs Smith to our school. We hope Mrs Smith has had a great first week at St. Ninian’s!

Nikki – On Tuesday we did a maths assessment on angles with Mrs Smith, our new Acting Depute Head as Miss Ford was out of school at a Pope Francis Faith Award meeting with teachers from all over Scotland.

Sally – On Tuesday we played Capture the Flag outside against P7/6. It was so much fun and we got really muddy!

Rachael – On Thursday in PE we did different circuit exercises in groups. Some of the exercises were push ups and plank.

Avelon – Today we watched P3 doing an assembly about Ancient Egypt. It was really interesting.

Matthew – In our IDL topic, WW2, we have been learning about Hitler. We learned about the concentration camps which he set up.

Lianne – In RE we read a prayer about our earth and drew a picture which showed what this prayer meant to us.

Freya – We learned about Anne Frank and made posters about Anne Frank and The Holocaust.

James – We learned about compass points in maths.

Eve McC – I found out that I had achieved a Silver award in the Scottish Mathematical Challenge. Miss Ford and I will be going to a prize giving at the University of Edinburgh on Friday 26th May.

Natasha – In writing we wrote a diary entry as if we were in Anne Frank’s position the night before she knew she had to go in to hiding.

Rebecca – In Literacy we did a short read in groups of 3 or 4 about the persecution of Jews during WW2.

Alice – We watched the next episode of Mi Vida Loca and this helped us to practice Spanish vocabulary including the months.

Eve Mac – We have been completing our 50 point IDL homework and Freya, Nikki and Eve have brought in cakes which they baked and iced with some of the flags of countries involved in WW2.

Charlie – We worked in groups to create 5 different types of graphs which displayed information relating to WW2. We did a pictograph, a bar graph, a frequency table, a line graph and a pie chart. Some of the information included number of warships sunk, deaths per country and bombs dropped per year.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Have a great weekend!

2 thoughts on “P7 Weekly News!”

  1. Happy St Patrick’s Day to you all!

    Thank you, for a detailed overview of P7 life this week. It was certainly interesting seeing you all in the dining hall. Do you know that it used to be used for a classroom all of the time? Ask Mrs Roy about it.

    Your WWII topic is going well. It’s one of my favourite topics and an important part of our history. Perhaps I could teach you a few songs from this era?

    Thank you for your kind welcome for Mrs Smith. You continue to set a great example for the rest of our school.

  2. Your memory serves you well Mrs Purdie. My first teaching job in St Ninian’s was a P1 class and we didn’t have a classroom, the infant hall was used for the P1 classes!! I much prefer our classrooms now.

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