P1M Weekly News

Our weekly highlights:

Literacy: we have been building sounds together to make words. We listen to a word, spell it using bricks, copy it down and then draw a picture to show the meaning of the word. Our reading skills are coming on a treat too. We are all working really hard with our tricky words as well. This week we have been working on alternative endings in a story. We listened to a story called ‘Melting Snow’ (from Oxford owl) but we decided we didn’t like the way the story ended so we made up our own endings. Instead of the snowman in the story melting, our snowman went on an adventure. Ask your child what adventure their snowman went on?

Numeracy: This week we have been working on number stories of 6, 7 and 8. We have been finding out how we can make these numbers in different ways. e.g. 5+2=7 and 6+2=8. We are fantastic at doubles now and we can tell you our doubles as quick as a click. This is a great song to help us practise.

Mathematics: Our topics in maths at the moment is measurement, shape and pattern. We have been working on measure, shape and pattern through our ‘play: plan, do review’ sessions. We will be furthering our knowledge on shape more next week.

We are really enjoying practising for our nativity and we can’t wait to show this to you. Please remember to bring in your child’s clothes for the nativity by Monday. We need this for our dress rehersal.

We have been so busy this week that we don’t have much photos! Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Meechan

One thought on “P1M Weekly News”

  1. I am excited about your Nativity performance too! 🙂
    I love that you made up your own endings to the story. I can’t wait to hear about the adventures your snowmen went on.
    You had lots of visitors to your classroom this week during our Numeracy review and they loved their time in P1. Well done to Miss Meechan and the children.

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