An Exciting Week in Primary 6

It has been a week packed with learning for primary 6.  We all enjoyed our first teacher carousel afternoon.  All the primary 6 pupils came together and worked with Mrs Currie on a science topic.  We continued working on place value in numeracy and began to work on different addition and subtraction methods.
We also continued reading our class novel, it is getting very exciting! We worked as a class to discuss the positive and negative factors of being educated and home, or being educated at school.  After a lengthy class discussion we came to a conclusion as a class that we all favour being educated at school! The only negative we gave was the early mornings!
Our writing lessons this week have focused on descriptive writing.  All pupils worked very hard on descriptions of Skellig and some settings from the novel.  Some pieces of writing were particularly impressive, when reading them I felt like I was really there! I could imagine exactly what Skellig is like.

Here is what some pupils have to say about their learning this week:

Aliza: “I enjoyed the science lesson during the teacher carousel because we got to go outside and experiment with forces and air resistance. We used pieces of card to test this.”

Krzysztof: “I also enjoyed the science lessons, especially learning about ‘Bloodhound’ the fastest vehicle.  We then made our own paper models to test air resistance”

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Declan: “It has been fun and exciting learning all about place value this week, we have gone beyond millions!”

Mia St.: “I enjoyed listening to more of our class novel, I particularly enjoyed when we found out that Skellig has wings”

Erwin: “We used our reading books and class novels to go on a vocabulary hunt to add to our VCOP wall. We found interesting words that we can add to our own descriptive writing”

Neave: “In our descriptive writing this week we used similes, metaphors and personification to describe Skellig and other characters from the novel.”

Nicholas: “Today is St. Ninain’s feast day.  We celebrated by having a special Mass and in class we have been learning about his life and how he was the first known Christian in Scotland.  We looked at Mrs Howley’s pictures from her trip to Whithorn to visit St Ninian’s Cave.”

Thank you to all the parents and pupils who came along to Ninian’s Natter last night.  Pupils who did not attend last night have taken their learning profiles home.  Their learning profiles should contain an ‘all about me’ page, ‘school community’ page and their 3 current personal learning goals.  Please discuss your learning profile at home and remember to add in any personal achievements or proud moments.

Enjoy your long weekend, I’ll see you all on Wednesday!

Miss McCormack

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