We have had a nice first week back after our long weekend! We have been doing lots of number work trying to sequence numbers from largest to smallest and vice versa! We have used number cards, games on the smart board and our bodies to try and help us as we are finding this quite tricky!
We enjoyed sharing our ‘all about me’ bags which had 1,2, or 3 things which show what we are good at, interested in or are special to us! We were all super confident when standing up and sharing our bags with one another! We also learned about consonant blends and tried to make different words with the letters ‘s,n,i,p’! We had lots of fun during this activity, especially when we had to beat the clock!
We had a chat about our families and how they are all different. Some of us have lot’s of brothers and sisters, some of us have none! We made our very own hand print family trees to represent our family! They look beautiful.
We celebrated the feast of the Ascension on Thursday by attending a whole school mass. We all tried hard to participate and really enjoyed the final hymn, Sing It In The Valleys, which we pretty much sang for the rest of the day!
We have a very busy week next week trying to prepare for our class assembly!
Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P1D.