P5 round up

This week we completed our imaginative story about finding a treasure map.  The children peer assessed each others middle section of their story which they wrote last week and Mrs Docherty and I were very impressed by the childrens ability to give really constructive feedback to each other.  The class then discussed what would make a good ending to a story and we developed a success criteria from this.  The children all listened really carefully to this input and as result we had some very imaginative endings…and there was not one single  “it was all a dream and then I woke up!” ending.  Well done everyone!

Our data handling in Maths this week has been focusing on gathering data.  We created appropriate questions which can be asked to give us good data.  We then practised recording that data in the form of tally charts and frequency charts.  We started to learn how to transfer this data into bar graphs.  To do this we had learn “what makes a good bar graph?”.  We used the following web link to a game to help us,


Next week we will record the answer to our above question in our Talking Book to showcase our understanding.  Also, working in trios we will create a bar graph which we can use to tell a Maths story about which fruit would be best to have on our Friday Healthy Snack tuck trolley.

Our Maps topic has been focusing on different ways of recording information on a map and we compared political, relief and road maps.  We watched this video presentation to deepen our understanding,


Next week the class will be going to a basketball festival on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Thomson.  On Monday they will be given a team and we will revise the rules of play.  Basketball has already been a focus for the class in PE lessons this session and we have some very strong players.  The children will require a packed lunch for this day which they will have in class before changing and making their way onto the bus.  The festival will run from 12.45pm and we will return to school for 2.45pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Currie

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