This week in primary 5/6 we have ran a daily mile every day; we only have 15 minutes to complete it. The class has been working on improving their fitness and really enjoying the daily mile. In maths we are continuing to learn about decimals and learning how to recognise the place value of decimals. During our maths morning, on Tuesday, we learned more about how to add and subtract 4 digit numbers using the formal method. In P.E we have been doing ‘Superman Rounders’ and it was really fun. We worked on our aiming and catching skills during the game. In writing we interviewed a member of our class, took notes and then we all wrote a profile about them in our writing jotters. Next week we are looking forward to World Book Day and seeing lots of fantastic costumes.
By Paris & Broady.
Sounds like a great week, lots of learning in different curriculum areas.
Miss S