Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 we learned a lot about technology. Primary 6 had the opportunity to do the ‘RoboKid’ topic. We had to work in teams to build and test our robots. The teams came up with fantastic names like Robo, Wheelie and Bob. We also had to learn how to control and drive our robots round obstacle courses we created. On Monday, primary 5 went on a trip to the fourth road bridge education centre. They learned about different types of bridges and how they were built. They got to build their own mini bridges and try on safety clothes that would be worn when building the new bridge.


On Thursday a women called Jenny, from Scotch Beef, came and taught us about why eating red meat can help us grow, be strong and give us iron. She taught us how to make beef fajitas and some people in our class got to help prepare the fajitas. They were yummy. After our fajitas lesson we came back to class and took notes on what we had learned. Next week we will use these notes to help us write our own Beef fajitas recipe.

On Wednesday it was Ash Wednesday, Father Paul came along and led Mass, we received our ashes and reflected on what Lent is.

We have started our Money topic in maths. We have been learning how to solve different money word problems and we will continue this next week.

By Mark, Mikolt and James

One thought on “Primary 5/6 News”

  1. Thank you for letting us know what’s been going in in your class this week. I know you have really engaged with the Robokid topic and you have been so excited about building and controlling your robots. It was great to see how enthusiastic you all were when I popped into your class this week.

    Miss S😀

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