Nursery News

We have had an extremely busy and exciting week in Nursery! Firstly, on Monday we celebrated Chinese New Year by learning about the traditions and customs celebrated in China. We made Chinese dragons and showcased them around the school. Everyone was so impressed with our musical talents! For snack we sampled Chinese noodles and prawn crackers. We thought they were yummy!! We were also really lucky to have a visit from a Mandarin teacher called Yuanyuan who taught us some Chinese phrases and greetings. We also learned that red is a very important colour for this celebration. Our favourite part of Chinese New Year was playing in our role play Chinese restaurant.





On Tuesday we were eating once again as it was Pancake Tuesday! We had so much fun making, flipping and eating pancakes! We loved adding sugar to our pancakes but we were not so keen on the taste of lemon!



Also on Tuesday one of our nursery pupils attended Mrs Purdie’s Pancake Party. This was because he had been identified by the nursery team as a reflective learner for his excellent understanding of our GIRFEC wheel. Well done Kerr! When he came back he said ” I feel proud” 😄



For the remainder of the week we have been focusing on technologies by building models, constructing rockets, making paper aeroplanes and building in our outdoor environment. We also enjoyed trying out new apps on our nursery iPads. Thank you to Miss Smyth for researching some new apps for us!! We look forward to sharing our technology learning with you at our Skills academy evening on 25th February.

We would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the parents who came along to our Breakfast Blether on Tuesday morning, it was such a fantastic turnout! We loved hearing your ideas and feedback and we are looking forward to sharing our final nursery logo with you all very soon!

Please remember that Monday 15th February and Tuesday 16th February are school and nursery holidays. We look forward to welcoming all the children (and staff 😉) back refreshed on Wednesday 17th February.

The nursery team 😄

One thought on “Nursery News”

  1. Well what a week you’ve had, and that’s just all the eating you have been doing. I loved your Chinese New Year celebrations, I was delighted when the morning and afternoon children came to visit me in primary 3 to show off their Chinese dragon and wish us all a happy new year in Chinese !!! It was great to see so many of your mums and dads join Mrs Purdie for the breakfast blether so they could share their thoughts on the nursery adventures.

    Enjoy your break

    Miss S😀

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