Tag Archives: Rights Respecting Schools

Building Toy Shelters

Earlier in the year we were playing in our woodlands in warmer weather. We were all really busy making shelters for some woodland creatures. We have been exploring our woodlands, selecting materials and working together to solve a design brief. We discussed what makes a good shelter and shared our work with all our friends. Check out some of the amazing leaf skeletons we found! We also tasted some delicious sour bramble berries, it’s not just the birds and small animals that love brambles!

Animals need somewhere to live, and a lot of the places they could build a home are not there anymore because of people’s houses and gardens. You can make a habitat for an animal using small containers, tubes or boxes! Log piles in our woodlands make a nice home and we have a bug hotel for the animals.

Here is a link to help you get some ideas for making a home for animals in our gardens!