Low Port Residential – Water Challenge!

P5 took part in a water challenge while we were at Low Port. Because our new topic is Conservation we have been talking about precious resources like water. We learned about how difficult it is to get water in other countries and we were really sad to learn that many children in  other places to not have access to clean water like we do. We learned that many children need to walk for miles and miles to collect water and this can mean that they do not get to go to school for as long, or at all!

We were given different materials and containers to try to solve the problem of transferring water without wasting it! We thought it was very, very challenging. Most of the people got wet but it was great!

Here is what we thought:

‘Everybody was really wet.I didn’t like taking the water from one bucket to the other because it was very tiring.’ – Nicola

‘We had to cooperate to make it work, also we had to make plans. It tested our strengths. I liked the pipe challenge because we got wet and I like getting wet.’- Arsh

‘It was really cold and fun.’ – Owen

‘I thought it was challenging lifting the water.’ – Kieran

‘I liked it because we had fun’ – Richelle

‘We were freezing. I liked it because we got to have fun and be with our friends.’ – Amy

‘We had to get lots of water up the hill. We used pipes to get the water from the top of the hill to the bottom.’ – Elle

‘I loved being blindfolded and seeing how other people live. I liked trying to get the water to different places and I found getting the water down the pipe very difficult.’ – Joseph

‘It was cold and freezing but I still liked the water challenge.’ – Amina

‘My hands were numb, very numb’ – Olivia

‘I was soaked.’ – Tom

‘It was fun but SOOOOOOOO COLD! When we were doing the pipes we worked as a really good team to get water into the bucket.’ – Billie

‘It was very hard because we had broken equipment and one of the buckets we had to put the water in had holes in it. It tested our knowledge. Water is VERY precious.’ – Nia

‘We had to take 20L to the top.’ – Joshua

‘I learned that my group can work as a team’ – Katie

‘It was sooooooo cold.’ -Chloe

At the end we thought about the water that was wasted and considered ways to conserve this precious resource. Some of us did not like the challenge because of all the water that was wasted by our team but some teams did not waste much at all!

We will definitely remember how lucky we are to get lots of water in Scotland and try to conserve as much water as possible. Miss Solomon does not think the tap in the classroom will be left running  ever again!

Low Port Residential – Night Walking

P5 went for a marvelous night walk at Low Port around the whole loch! The moon was luminous and bright. We went on our night walk to see nature in the dark, study the stars and light pollution. We lay on our backs beside the loch and looked quietly at the stars above us. Some of us saw the space station, a satellite and shooting stars. We even got to wave at Pete on the space station! We noticed different stars and combinations of stars. We saw bright, shiny planets, the big dipper, little dipper, Orion’s belt, his sword and the great bear. We learned the North star could help us find our way back home!

On our walk we noticed it was much quieter and we could hear noises from the swans, dogs, ducks, cars in the distance and little pigeons. Charlie heard a siren. P5S were lucky enough to see a super moon! Some of us felt sad and scared but most of us felt relaxed, calm, safe, peaceful, free and happy!

When we lay down close to town we couldn’t see as many stars because of all the light pollution. We felt shocked, annoyed, uncomfortable and exposed.

John Muir used to go on long walks in the daytime and nighttime when he camped in the wild. We think he would have heard more animals and less people noise.

The night walk was unforgettable because we had never done something like that before and it was insane.

By P5


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Exploring Our Woodlands

Primary 5 has begun work in our Outdoor Learning journals. The journals are a place where the children can record and reflect on their experiences and leaning. We went to the woodlands to make a map and begin recording some of the trees we have there. Some of us had a go at tree bark rubbings.

We learned it is very tricky to work out which trees are which when they don’t have any leaves!

We have also begun sketching our woodlands from observation in our jotters… Stay tuned for the results!

Winter Walks

We have begun our John Muir award adventure!

We decided to go on a frosty walk to explore some local wild places. We discussed how we can be independent and responsible outdoors, keeping ourselves and our friends safe. We were on the lookout for risks at ground, eye and tree level and went over some of the basics of keeping ourselves and our friends safe outside while enjoying the great outdoors.

While we were out we felt the frost on our faces and fingers, observed some wildlife that we spotted and listened to the music made by throwing stones onto the frozen reservoir.

What a great morning!



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