Category Archives: Technology

The Frog Life Cycle

When we were looking for signs of spring we were paying close attention to birds building nests and were on the lookout for frog spawn. Richelle brought some of her tadpoles into the class for us to look after. We have watched our baby tadpoles Alex, Sophie and Paulita, turn into frogs. We had to feed them boiled spinach, but we learned they stop eating while they are absorbing their tails into their bodies. We used spring water to top up their bowl because it has no chemicals and keeps their home nice and clean(ish). We had to tip the tub at an angle to let the tadpoles walk out when they got their front legs and stop them from drowning because they stop using gills and start breathing air.

Watching them get back legs and front legs was really interesting and exciting. We felt sad when we had to let them go but they had to live the rest of their life in the wild and have babies of their own!

You can help frogs by making a nice habitat in your garden – you could even use a bucket filled with rainwater and some plants!

Check out the videos we made about it using our DoInk app and stop motion!

Building Toy Shelters

Earlier in the year we were playing in our woodlands in warmer weather. We were all really busy making shelters for some woodland creatures. We have been exploring our woodlands, selecting materials and working together to solve a design brief. We discussed what makes a good shelter and shared our work with all our friends. Check out some of the amazing leaf skeletons we found! We also tasted some delicious sour bramble berries, it’s not just the birds and small animals that love brambles!

Animals need somewhere to live, and a lot of the places they could build a home are not there anymore because of people’s houses and gardens. You can make a habitat for an animal using small containers, tubes or boxes! Log piles in our woodlands make a nice home and we have a bug hotel for the animals.

Here is a link to help you get some ideas for making a home for animals in our gardens!


Low Port Residential – Forest Day

Primary 5 went wild for a whole day while we were at Low Port. We were walking, exploring, climbing, building shelters, singing, hiding, lighting fires, listening, cooking marshmallows and hot chocolate, playing and learning in the woods.

Some of us got to stamp around in a big frozen puddle! We made an ice sculpture with the pieces. We decided to make John Muir! We saw a HUGE flock of geese fly by!

We stopped by a stream to listen and be still for a while.


On our walk we looked at different things living in the forest like different trees, witches broom and bracket fungi, different trees and animal poo! Some of us even drank rain water from moss. We learned it was clean because of the iodine in it which could also be used to treat cuts!

We found the cave William Wallace hid in from the English and explored around it.

We built shelters and played in them.

We really learned why fire building is important when we were almost too cold to hold onto our sandwiches at lunch time! We learned how to collect kindling and fuel, light and stay safe around our fire. Once we made our fire we felt so much better! We sang around the fire, toasted marshmallows and made hot chocolate!

Nicholas and Lleyton found a beautiful violet beetle in a rotten log.

Billie collected a huge amount of birch bark for the fire and Chloe was a candy witch with a big broom and bendy wand!


Katie and Amina filled their boots by accident in the river!


We had an amazing day. Here is what we thought!

‘I learned how to light a fire. I liked when we played hide and seek.’ – Owen

‘We left the woods to go to the William Wallace cave.’

‘I liked the forest because we sang songs and toasted marshmallows.’- Tom

‘I got to the top of the tree. We made sushi from leaves and bark in our den.’ – Nicola

‘I paddled my feet in the river. I loved collecting all the wood for our den and fire. I made a big log sofa.’- Niamh

‘My group won hide and seek.’ – Richelle

‘We had hot chocolate by the fire.’

‘I loved being round my friends because my friends are awesome.’ – Molly

‘We made big dens. I played hide and seek. It was exciting.’ – Faheema

‘In the forest we made a fire at our base.’ – Ethan

‘I climbed a tree to sit in it. I needed a bit of help but I managed.’ – Olivia

‘I liked it because we had girl chat in our den.’ – Amy

‘I made a seesaw and a swing.’ – Nia

‘Me, Elle and Amy made a good den with lots of leaves and green stuff.’ – Amina

‘I learned that use use fuel (sticks) to light a fire.’ – Katie

‘I enjoyed building a den called ‘Dan Woody’ made by me, Logan and Charlie.’ – Joseph

‘We made a den all together.’

‘My groups den had a mascot called ‘Cookie Dough’.’

‘Charlie found a hole in a tree.’ – Kaya

‘In the forest we toasted marshmallows and made hot chocolate by the fire.’ – Elle

‘I was the first on in or group to get a mini fire!’ – Ellie

‘It was kind that Mrs Dwane came with us to camp. If she didn’t we wouldn’t have gone on the awesome forest day!’ – Billie

‘In the forest we played hide and seek like William Wallace did to hide from the English!’- Joshua

‘We had to pick up different sized sticks and snap them. If they snapped loudly they were dry and good for the fire!’ – Emily

‘We learned that if sticks are wet you can’t snap them but if they are dry you can snap them. The wet sticks can’t be burned by the fire.’

‘ I was the one who saw William Wallace’s cave.’ – Daniel

‘I loved the hot chocolate and marshmallows.’ – Ryan