All posts by Mrs Miller

Buenos días y bienvenidos niños este jueves por la mañana

Good morning and welcome children this Thursday morning

Today our school should have had a visit from Unicef RRSA representative, building on our work to achieve the Bronze Award which we were awarded May 2019,  to achieve the Silver Award. Our Writing Task today asks you to be creative and think of ways to change things for the better using your knowledge of Children’s Rights as well as using your Second Level writing targets.

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Childrens rights – child-friendly_crc_poster_a4_-_final_-_english

Writing Task  – If I were the boss…

What if you could decide for yourself which rights you had? It would be so much fun at home and at school!

Which rights would you want? And what should change in the classroom?

Maths Prodigy

Tree Planting in Our Woodlands

We decided that we would conserve our wild place by planting new trees to make it more diverse. We worked together to plant different varieties of trees, bushes and plants in our woodlands. We planted wild cherry, elder, hawthawn, blackthorn, dog rose, crab apple, field maple and oak. We chose these plants because they give food for animals with fruits, nuts and flowers and give them places to hide. It was hard digging but worth it these trees will be here when we are grown up. We felt happy when we were doing it because we were helping nature and it was fun!

Releasing our butterflies into the wild

Watching our caterpillars grow, turn into chrysalis and then become butterflies was amazing. It was emotional releasing them into the woodland even though it was best for them.

Bees and butterflies need flowers that have nectar that they like to eat so we are planning to plant a garden in our school that is bee and butterfly friendly… Watch this space!

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Ethan, Elle and Amy made a stop motion animation about the butterfly metamorphosis.