About the John Muir Award

Welcome to our blog! Primary 5 at St John Ogilvie Primary School are very excited to be working towards our Discovery Level John Muir award.

The John Muir Award is an internationally recognised environmental award scheme that encourages learners to connect with, enjoy and care for wild places through a structured and flexible scheme. It provides scaffolding, purpose and direction for learners to engage with outdoor learning experiences. 
We will be discovering our woodlands and local nature spaces, exploring our special wild places, protecting our woodlands and sharing our experiences.
The award will help our pupils enjoy and connect with nature while protecting these wild places. We will deliver the Curriculum for Excellence through outdoor learning approaches, extending our sense of place and understanding of our conservation topic.
We will share our learning through the John Muir Award here, we hope you enjoy it!
Find out more about the John Muir award here.

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