Sand Castle Capacity and Volume

This term the children made sand castles using measuring jugs and calculated the total volume from the measurements made. This led to children choosing to independently measure height, circumference, perimeter and area in their castles. Once we were done we shared our ideas and talked about how we worked our the capacity/total volume of our castles. The children used teamwork,  problem solving and lots of mental arithmetic!

2D and 3D Shapes

We have been making 2D and 3D shapes outdoors today. You can see cubes, prisms, pyramids, trapeziums, rhombuses and kites! Miss Solomon was really impressed by the problem solving and teamwork today!

After we were done we got to play in the woodlands. Tom, Jamie, Ethan, Joshua and Richelle and Isla liked cooking in the mud kitchen, Owen and Ethan made some bigger 3D shapes and moved furniture inside and Imogen has made trap to protect her den.

Tree Planting in Our Woodlands

We decided that we would conserve our wild place by planting new trees to make it more diverse. We worked together to plant different varieties of trees, bushes and plants in our woodlands. We planted wild cherry, elder, hawthawn, blackthorn, dog rose, crab apple, field maple and oak. We chose these plants because they give food for animals with fruits, nuts and flowers and give them places to hide. It was hard digging but worth it these trees will be here when we are grown up. We felt happy when we were doing it because we were helping nature and it was fun!

The Muddy Mud Kitchen

Mr Dwane was very kind and generous to make us a nice mud kitchen to play in which we called ‘The Bananas Made from Bananas’. We play like it’s a real kitchen and we make loads of food for our friends and teachers. Imogen likes the little shelves that have tubs in them and she uses bark as pretend steak, mud for gravy and little sticks as chips. We made a fruit salad out of leaves. We like playing in it because it’s really fun and we are practicing for when we are older. Don’t really eat the stuff we make or you’ll be sick.


The Frog Life Cycle

When we were looking for signs of spring we were paying close attention to birds building nests and were on the lookout for frog spawn. Richelle brought some of her tadpoles into the class for us to look after. We have watched our baby tadpoles Alex, Sophie and Paulita, turn into frogs. We had to feed them boiled spinach, but we learned they stop eating while they are absorbing their tails into their bodies. We used spring water to top up their bowl because it has no chemicals and keeps their home nice and clean(ish). We had to tip the tub at an angle to let the tadpoles walk out when they got their front legs and stop them from drowning because they stop using gills and start breathing air.

Watching them get back legs and front legs was really interesting and exciting. We felt sad when we had to let them go but they had to live the rest of their life in the wild and have babies of their own!

You can help frogs by making a nice habitat in your garden – you could even use a bucket filled with rainwater and some plants!

Check out the videos we made about it using our DoInk app and stop motion!

Art Adventure in the Woodlands

We used found materials to make some art up in our woodlands!

Charcoal Observed Drawings

We went into the woodlands and we collected one special item each to draw with charcoals. We went to the fire pit to collect natural charcoal and used charcoal from our art supplies. The natural charcoal was harder to break and made a browny colour. We had to observe our special item really carefully and draw exactly what we saw.  We blended the charcoals to show shadows and make our drawings look 3D.

Releasing our butterflies into the wild

Watching our caterpillars grow, turn into chrysalis and then become butterflies was amazing. It was emotional releasing them into the woodland even though it was best for them.

Bees and butterflies need flowers that have nectar that they like to eat so we are planning to plant a garden in our school that is bee and butterfly friendly… Watch this space!

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Ethan, Elle and Amy made a stop motion animation about the butterfly metamorphosis.