Sounds of the Woodlands Class Poem

Sometimes we feel calm and enjoy the quiet in our woodlands so we wrote a poem about it! We went to the woodlands and we all wrote a few lines for a list poem. We shared our ideas and chose our best line to go into our class poem.


The wind flying past my face and creeping around my hair,

The trees going side to side as the wind blows,

Fresh air turning into a garlicy smell and crawling up my nose,

The yellow and blue flags swaying and flapping quietly in the wind,

The leaves were silently unwrapping themselves,

They slowly came down from the trees when I walked next to them,

All the white crystal snow is melting as the bright yellow sun shines on it,

The trees dance beautifully from side to side as the branches twist and turn,

The silent logs sit on the ground never making a sound,

Not a sound, not a movement from all these quiet logs,

Silent dogs behind the sharp fence,

Little woodland animals noiselessly crawling around,

Not a sound from the branches dancing in the air calmly,

The silence of a bug waking across your page,

Trees pushing their way through the ground,

Paper is decomposing quietly and glass is just waiting to cut you when you fall on it,

The trees are walking up to me like the day has began,

The cool air brushing through your hair feels so nice,

shivers going up my spine and a tree is as still as a statue,

The leaves falling onto the soggy ground very gently,

Leaves sprouting on the trees as Spring is making it’s appearance.

By Primary 5S

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