This week we went out into our woodlands to get to know it even better! Our first task was to find something so special to us that it could be put in a fancy frame in an art gallery. We made our own frames out of sticks and shared why our spot or thing was special to us. We noticed that everyone’s special thing was different!
After that we decided to use our sense of touch to get a feel for the trees living in our woodlands. We worked in trios and led a blindfolded friend to a tree. They had to feel it all over and then be led away, spun around and generally confused! Then they had to find their tree without their blindfold using only their memory of what they could feel. We really enjoyed this task and had a lot of fun. We build trust and showed that we could be responsible for the safety of our friends.
Lleyton found an ash tree in our woodlands! He remembered how to identify it in winter from our forest day at Low Port!
What a great afternoon!
i hit my leg of a small tree but i was ok ,it was a fun little game that everyone loved playing .if u had lots of trees roun my houce i would play that game with my friends and family