St. Columbas P.S. and Nursery


Primary 2/3



If you have to stay at home and can’t come in to school, please check out this sway to find out what exciting activities you could do! There are links to click on which will take you to the different activities.

Friday 20th November 2020 – SCOTTISH BOOK WEEK

Chelsea – We got book bags this week. We got to read the books.

Willow – The P2 bags were yellow and the P3 bags were red.

Murray – I got the books ‘How many trees?’ and ‘Rocket Mole.’

Riley – I got a measuring tape and the book ‘Look Up.’

Willow – I got the book ‘Wow Animals.’

Ryan W – We read the book ‘Rocket Mole’ as a class.

Emili – I like the rocket and the end of the story when they visited all of the countries.

Murray – I liked the rocket because it blasted off into space really quickly.

Riley – I liked the rocket because it landed in space quickly. Mole was floating about because there was zero gravity.

Jan – I liked when mole looked at the stars and the moon.

Poppy – I liked the digging machine because it travelled through the earth.

Kyla – I liked when mole built the rocket because it was cool.

Ryan Mc – ‘Rocket Mole’ is a brilliant book!

Mollie – For outdoor learning we built rockets in the forest.

Lord – I used sticks.

Emili – I used pine cones, leaves and mud.

Poppy – I used a tree and big giant sticks.

Ryan W – We had to draw the story of ‘Rocket Mole.’

Chelsea – We used Seesaw to take a picture of our work.

Addie – We recorded our voices telling the story.

Emili – You have to press the microphone button.


Riley – On Monday we went outdoor learning to the forest.

Luisa – Mrs Donnelly had a bag of characters. We chose a character out of the bag and made a house for it.

Jasmine – Our character was Captain Hook.

Murray – Our character was Mike the Knight.

Riley – Our character was Spike the dinosaur.

Lord – We used leaves for a blanket.

Chelsea – We used pine cones and sticks to make a campfire for our character.

Mollie – We used part of the tree to make a balcony.

Riley – We used sticks for the roof and leaves to make it waterproof on top.

Jasmine – We had a flower garden.

Willow – We had a pool. We used mud. We put the character in the mud to look like it was swimming. You could use sticks to climb up to the slide.

Vanessa – We used leaves for a bed.

Lord – We drank hot juice and had marshmallows or cookies.

Emili – On Thursday we used the ‘Adobe Spark’ app to make a video about outdoor learning.

Chelsea – We used icons to make our video.

Riley – We pressed the add button on the page to add icons.

Addie – We used icons like boots, juice, mud and trees.

Jasmine – We were speaking.

Willow – We had to press the red circle to record our voices.

Emili – When you finished you could listen to the whole video to see if you liked it.

Here is a sway with some of the videos we made using ‘Adobe Spark’:

Friday 6th November 2020 – GOODBYE MISS SMYTH

Primary 2/3 prepared to say goodbye to Miss Smyth this week. The children wrote acrostic poems to describe her and tell her their fondest memories of her. We put together a video to say goodbye!

Friday 30th October 2020 – OUTDOOR LEARNING

On Monday P2/3 went out in to the woods for some learning outdoors!

Riley – We used sticks and string to make different shapes.

Chelsea – We learned to tie knots.

Emili – We used knots to tie the sticks together.

Anita – We learned how to make a fire.

Addie – We needed a flat stone, dry sticks and dry leaves.

Jan – The sticks had to be dry.

Ryan W – If the sticks and leaves were wet it wouldn’t go on fire.

Kyla – We needed a metal pot.

Lord – We needed a metal pot so it wouldn’t go on fire.

Chelsea – We needed a lighter. Mrs Donnelly used the lighter.

Jasmine – We needed cotton wool balls.

Vannessa – We ate marshmallows. We roasted them on a stick.

Poppy – We wrote instructions on how to make a fire for the other children in the school.

Mollie – We drank warm blackcurrant juice and sat on a log.

P2/3 can’t wait to go outdoor learning again!!

Friday 23rd October 2020 – TECHNOLOGY

This week P2/3 were practising using technology to show their learning.

Riley – We used Pic Collage.

Lord – We were thinking about the class charter.

Addie – We were thinking about being safe and healthy.

Emili – We were taking pictures of what we need to do to be safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.

Chelsea – I took pictures of things we are supposed to do like walking in the classroom.

Lord – I took a picture of me doing push ups and being healthy.

Emili – I took a picture of Poppy doing work.

Mollie – Addie took a picture of Mrs Butcher talking to me and being my trusted adult. I am safe.

Luca – I took a picture of Ryan washing his hands.

Riley – That shows being healthy.

Luca – We used the same colours as the rainbow class charter to write the words.


Friday 9th October 2020 – CLASS CHARTER

This week P2/3 have been working together to create our class charter.

Emili – We voted on the one that we liked.

Poppy – We looked at different class charters on the internet to get ideas.

Chelsea – Our theme is the rainbow.

Lord – We talked about good stuff we can do in the class.

Willow – We wrote some rules.

Poppy – We wrote a right on the colours of the rainbow.

Mollie – We made coins to put our names on the charter.

Emili – The adults will sign the charter too. The clouds will have the teachers on.

Harry – We will all try to follow the rainbow rules.

Luisa – We will put it all up on the wall after the holidays!



Friday 2nd October 2020 – SCOTTISH MATHS WEEK

This week is Scottish Maths Week. Primary 2/3 have been taking part in lots of different activities both inside the classroom and outside in the playground.

Luisa – Mrs Butcher read a book to the class.

Willow – The book was called ‘The Greedy Triangle.’

Lord – The greedy triangle changed into different shapes.

Harry – He changed into a square.

Julia – A quadrilateral has four sides.

Chelsea  – He changed into a Pentagon with 5 sides.

Emili – He turned into a hexagon with 6 sides.

Poppy – The octagon has 8 sides like an octopus.

Chelsea – The nonagon has 9 sides.

Lord – We hunted for treasure in the playground.

Julia – We had to use the map.

Luisa – We found clues.

Willow – You had to write the answer on your map.

Chelsea – We did some adding.

Emili – There was one take away.

Riley – I got all the answers right!

Emili – We made sums and shapes outside. We used the iPads to take photos of them.

Willow – We used sticks and leaves to make our maths pictures.

Riley – I used sticks, stones, flowers and grass to make shapes.

Luisa – We used Pic Collage.

Riley – Before we went outside we had to write our names using the text button and we had to put a background on.

Anita – We put our photos on Pic Collage.

Here is some of our FANTASTIC work!!

Friday 25th September 2020 – WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO SO FAR…

It has been a busy start to the year in Primary 2/3. Let us show you a few of the things we have been doing so far!

Willow- We were reading a book called ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ so we made aliens.

Poppy – I made an alien using playdoh, pipe cleaners and lollypop sticks.

Emili  – Some people made aliens at home for homework.

Luca – I used a toilet roll and some paper to make an alien.


Primary 2/3 have been learning to use the iPads in lots of different ways to support their learning!

Emili – I know how to put the wifi on.

Riley – I know which network to press to get on to the wifi.

Riley – We have been using iPads to practise our spelling.

Chelsea – I used sh ch and th to spell words.

Julia – We used a QR code to go to the game.

Julia- We can use Pic Collage to make pictures.

Luisa – I know how to use stickers, text and backgrounds to make a beautiful picture.

Chelsea – We used the ‘Daisy the dinosaur’ app to learn coding.

Lord – We gave commands to Daisy the Dinosaur.

Poppy – We can move Daisy around and make her bigger and smaller.

Addie – We can shake the iPad to move Daisy.

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