St. Columbas P.S. and Nursery


P7 School Camp -Belmont 2016


P7 had a fabulous time at school camp at Belmont in Perthshire with Our Lady Of Lourdes R.C.Primary School. Not only were there lots of really good learning experiences but the children had the opportunity to challenge themselves, face fears, work together as part of a team and have lots of fun!Camp 244

The dorms were great, Instructors were excellent, catering staff very friendly and the food was even better than last year!

Here are a few photographs to give you a taste of what camp was like. We plan after Easter inviting parents and carers in to school to watch a slide show of camp.Camp 084 Camp 091 Camp 173 Camp 2016 102 Camp 2016 058 Camp 2016 111 Camp 074 Camp 150 Camp 217 Camp 236 Camp 255 Camp 266


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