Well Primary 3, which adjective would you use to describe your day today at school?
We started off with our reading and explored our reading books using questioning with Miss Lewis and Miss Pattison. Some of the answers to the questions you asked were really fantastic boys and girls, and you used the book to support your answers too. We then listened to more of ‘The Magic Finger’.
We then looked at probability in maths and learned some new words.
We then discussed how we could start a recycling project in school and started by looking at the Eco wall in school. We mind mapped ideas and thought of making posters and badges to raise awareness. We are going to come up with a litter picking timetable
Our afternoon was spent in the activity room with Miss Pattison and Miss Lewis. Here are some pictures of our experiences.
We found that fish again Mrs Hopkinson! Lennon and some of his classmates found out the name of it, and you might be able to see it in the picture.