St Anthony's Primary School Blog

January 19, 2021
by Miss Curran

Fruit Printing with Miss Taylor.

Today Miss Taylor has set up a learning experience to help you learn about the importance of healthy eating whilst being messy and having fun at the same time. Resources you will need are any types of fruit or vegetables that you can cut in half, paint and paper. If you have run out of paint use pencils to draw round the fruit or vegetables to practice your pencil control. What healthy fruits and vegetables have you tasted before? What is your favourite? Can you tell me something that’s not very healthy? Miss Taylor cant wait to see all your healthy pictures.

January 6, 2021
by Mrs Llaza

Helping Your Child Create a Routine

Dear Parents/Carers

Here is a helpful way to support your child in creating a routine to make things more manageable for you at home. We hope this will be especially helpful for those of you who are juggling your own work commitments.  Promoting and establishing a routine can really help in these challenging times at home. Remember we are here to help you in any way we can.

Click on the link below for children of all ages and stages.


Wishing you a happy and safe new year

St Anthony’s staff.

November 3, 2020
by Mrs Creaney

Online STEM Club

Our 2nd online STEM club has been uploaded here:
It is linked to Engineers week, and has information about engineer careers as well as engineering challenges.

Can you please STAR RATE an activity once completed as this allows us to see which activity has been interacted with the most and informs future planning.

Primary 5, 6 & 7 Back to School Task- Wednesday 12th August 2020

August 12, 2020 by Mrs Doghudje | 0 comments

Back to School (again!) – Le blog du chef d'établissement

Good morning everyone,

We are very much looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

In preparation for your first day back you task today is to write a letter to your new teacher. This is an opportunity to tell your teacher all about yourself, what you enjoy doing at school and what you hope to achieve this year.

You may wish to upload a photograph of your letter or a video of yourself reading out your letter to our twitter page.

Below is an attached letter template that you may wish to use to support you in writing your letter.

Letter to my teacher


August 7, 2020
by wlelizabeth.canning@glow

Further Returning to School Information

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you are well.  Please find below details of gates and entrances for your child/children for returning to school.  P1 parents will also receive individual communication regarding drop off and collection times and ELC commencement information will follow on Monday.

To adhere to West Lothian Council guidelines regarding Covid 19 we have created new gates and entrances to limit the number of children occupying a space at any given time.  If you could please adhere to the given times and gates as this will eliminate bottle-necks when children are entering and leaving school to provide the best route to keep everyone safe.

All gates and entrances will have signage and gates will be staffed by adults to assist the process, I would like to thank you in advance for your support in this.

Children arriving by taxis provided by West Lothian Council will still be able to use their allocated gates and entrances.

Please note that for next week:

  • All P1 children will attend Wednesday / Thursday and Friday mornings
  • All P2 / P3 and P4 children will attend all day on Wednesday and Friday morning
  • All P5 / P6 and P7 children will attend all day on Thursday and Friday morning


Class Gate School Entrance Drop Off Time Collection Time
P1 2 5 – Staff Car Park Entrance – South Street T.B.C. T.B.C.
P2 1 4 – Breakfast Club Entrance 8.50 am 3.15 pm

(12.25 pm Friday)

P3 1 6 – Fire Exit 8.55 am 3.20 pm

(12.30 pm Friday)

P3/4 3 3 – Original Infant Entrance 8.50 am 3.15 pm

(12.25 pm Friday)

P4/5 3 7 – Fire Exit 8.55 am 3.20 pm

(12.30 pm Friday)

P5 3 8 – Fire Exit 9.00 am 3.25 pm

(12.35 pm Friday)

P6 4 2 – MUGA Pitch 8.55 am 3.20 pm

(12.30 pm Friday)

P6/7 4 1 – First Aid 8.50 am 3.15 pm

(12.25 pm Friday)

P7 4 9 – Original Senior Entrance 9.00 am 3.25 pm

(12.35 pm Friday)



Mrs Johanne Gardner

Head Teacher


August 7, 2020
by Mrs Creaney

Information for Returning to School

Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope that you and your family have had a safe and enjoyable holiday and that your child is excited about coming back to school. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone soon.
As announced by the Scottish Government last Thursday, all children will return to school full-time in August. You will have already received a Group call message from West Lothian Council which sets out which days each year group will be in school for the first week of term. Details are available in the table below and can also be accessed at:
Additional Scottish Government advice that is informing our reopening arrangements. Are available to be viewed here:
Please note that our ELC children will begin to return on Wednesday 12th August and we will be in contact with further guidance to support a safe return. Children starting our ELC for the first time will be contacted individually.
We are currently finalising details to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our children, staff and families. More information to share new school procedures including arrival/pick up arrangements will be sent out by the end of the week, as we know you will be anxious to get this information so you can prepare for your child returning to school. Until the more detailed information is available I have put together some of the key information which I hope you find helpful.

Is it safe? Risk assessments have been completed to identify actions to ensure it is safe for children to return within our school.

When do children come back?
11th August – is an in-service day for school and ELC staff
12th August – ELC children who already attend on a Wednesday should
attend for their normal session, P1 (am), P2, P3 and P4 (Full day)
13th August – ELC children who already attend on a Thursday should attend for their normal session, P1 (am), P5, P6 and P7 (Full day)
14th August – All school children to attend
From Monday 17th all school and ELC children to attend full time.

What should children bring? We are asking children to bring as little as possible to school.
Children should bring:
• a waterproof coat and any other appropriate clothing to be dry and warm outdoors as we will be outside as much as possible
• a water bottle and this should be filled at home each day.
• a schoolbag only if absolutely necessary.
• a packed lunch if they wish (school meals are still available) and we ask that wherever possible this is a bag which can be disposed of and has items in which can also be disposed of at the end of lunchtime.

Children should not bring:
• pencil cases or stationery this will be provided by school so that all children will have their own pack of resources.
• PE kits as these should be worn on P.E days.

What will be different? Children will have:
• to sanitise/wash hands regularly and will spend as much of their day as possible with their class group and their one teacher
• to wear school uniform as they would normally
• a staggered start and end time to the day- details to follow by the end of the week
• staggered lunch and break times – details to follow by the end of the week
• a soft start to their day in class, so they will not gather in the playground at the start of the day but will go straight into the class through a designated door, they will be shown their door on the first day they attend

Parents/carers will be asked to:
• not gather in the playground or outside the school gates and to maintain 2m distancing at all times
• not enter the school unless you have an appointment but instead to communicate using emails or by telephone. There will be specific arrangements for P1 parents/carers on their child’s first day to enable a smooth transition, adults will not be able to come into class but we will arrange a transition area within the school building to support children with the move into school on their first day. ELC induction for new children who are staring with our ELC will be shared individually with parents/carers.

What will be the same? Children will still be able to:
• see their happy, smiley, welcoming staff ready to teach them from where they are and support them to settle back into school life
• order lunches as usual on IPay (please make sure that you can access the Ipay system)
• go to Breakfast Club each morning, from 12th Aug

During these unprecedented times things can change and we appreciate your continued understanding with this. I will send out further more detailed information by the end of the week.
Kind Regards
Johanne Gardner

June 26, 2020
by Mrs Llaza

Day 5 St Anthony’s Summer Reading Challenge 26th June ’20



Good morning children! Thank you for all your participation in the Summer Reading Challenge! Although this is the last day of school, the reading challenge will go on for the rest of the summer. Unfortunately lots of us will not be able to go off on our holidays so we will have lots of time to fill over the next 6 weeks, so why don’t you create yourself your own personal challenge to read as many books as you can.

The Summer Reading challenge has gone digital this year to ensure children can still take part even though they’re unable to visit our libraries just now. Here are some details of this year’s challenge and information on how to join in:

Join the #SillySquad2020 by signing up at

Check out your West Lothian libraries webpage and search for books you can borrow from us at

Summer holiday Challenge

Your teachers also know that you may have read all the books you have at home, so today we are going to ‘HIDE A BOOK, FIND A BOOK’  This is the perfect opportunity for us to share our love of reading and share the books we love with children in our community! Maybe your parents could do the same thing with adult books so that other people in the community can find a new book to read too.  It would be great if you could share some videos or photos on twitter showing you on your way to hide a book/find a book, particularly if you are lucky enough to find a book! I will be following twitter all summer to see what books you have found.


Here is also some more reading prescriptions from more of your teachers in St Anthony’s and also a chance for you to meet a new teacher in our school who you will meet after the holidays. Her name is Mrs Creaney. Welcome to St Anthony’s Mrs Creaney!

Mrs Creaney


Children we are already on the way of showing the Scottish Book Trust that we deserve the accreditation of  being a READING SCHOOL and are working towards receiving the silver award! Here is a link to record all the books you have read and rate them 1 to 5 stars  over the summer to show how much the children in St Anthony’s love to read!  remember to bring it to school with you on your first day back at school.

I am so proud of you all and have loved hearing about all the reading activities you have been doing.  Some of your video clips on twitter have been fantastic! For those of you who have not been able to follow the activities, you can always revisit the blog pages and take part in the challenges. I would love to see more of your reading prescriptions, watch your Michael Rosen impersonations, look at the survey showing your favourite Michael Rosen poems, hearing what you thought of the T.S. Eliot poem and sharing all the books you have read throughout the summer. Let’s show the Scottish Book Trust that we are ready to pick up this reading schools award and get a silver star!


Take care throughout the holidays children. St Anthony’s teachers cannot wait to hear your lovely laughter and see your smiley faces in August! Stay safe and God bless.


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