Buenos dias, chicos. Espero que esten muy bien. Parece que hoy tendremos un dia soleado.
Good morning kids, I hope you are all well. It looks like it’s going to be a sunny day today!
Morning Prayer. Say a Hail Mary as a special intention for all the volunteers who are helping deliver food parcels to the elderly and doing lots of kind things that know one knows about. May God shine his beautiful light on them for doing His work. Amen
Spelling – all groups
Choose a fun spelling activity to work on your own set of common words. Bubble writing, rainbow spelling, pyramid spelling, hangman etc
Reading- all groups
New J.K Rowling book
Hello everyone! Some of you may have seen this already but as of yesterday, J.K Rowling released the first 2 chapters of her new children’s book ‘The Ikabog’. She will be releasing a few chapters at a time, completely free and accessible online, over the next 7 weeks or so. What is also fun is that she is running an illustration competition for the book for children aged 7-12. If they win, their illustrations could be printed in the book in November. Something fun for you all to continue over the summer if you enjoy it! Here is the website. https://www.theickabog.com/home/ You can read the first two chapters today and then maybe post on teams what you think of it. Hope you all love it!
Fun Mental Maths Starter
click on this link below then scroll down till you see this starter. Hope it makes you laugh the way I did.
You will need to access it through the link I posted. Enjoy!