Welcome back P5/4,
What a lovely morning it is to return to our online learning. I hope you all had a lovely long weekend in the glorious sunshine we had!
Here is your Powerpoint with your tasks for today: Wednesday 6th May 2020
David Walliams: You are moving onto your ‘oi’ sound this week as well as the common words; their, some, them and last.
Primary 4: You are working on the same sound as last week but doing the extension tasks, today is Story of ‘oe’ extension.
Primary 5: You are working on the same sound as last week but doing the extension tasks, today is Story of ‘sh’ extension.
David Walliams: t-l-54232-dont-hog-the-hedge-powerpoint-english_ver_3
Task: comprehension questions
comprehension questions answers
Roald Dahl: ‘Back to School, Mallory’ (on EPIC) – Chapter 9 ‘Teacher-of-the-month’
Task: Chapter 9 – Comprehension Questions
Tom Fletcher: You will also now be accessing EPIC (https://www.getepic.com/) for your new book, remembering our class code is pvs0670. Your new book should be in ‘assingments’. There is a video on teams explaining how to access EPIC.
Task: Chapter 1 – Prior Knowledge
All groups are doing the same task today: Adding fractions with the same denominator
Task: Adding fractions with the same denominator worksheet
Quick note: From today, there is will extra resources available at the school, outside the dinner hall, between 11:30 – 1:30. This will include things such as jotters, pencils, rulers and rubbers. Please take what you need.
I hope you are all well and staying safe.
Mrs Moffat