As we enter the last week of school for this academic year, the upper school (P4 – P7) have created a grid which has a range of activities over a range of subjects which should help you to continue learning over the course of this week.
You can choose what order you wish to complete the activities in, however you do not need to complete all of the activities. We recommend that you try to complete at least 2 activities per day.
The hope is that this will help you engage and spend most of your time on the reading tasks that will be given throughout this week for reading week!
There is also a West Lothian Sumdog Competition running this week which you can take part in, lets see how high our school can get on the leaderboard.
Here is the picture of the grid:
Here is a PDF version which has the accessible links: Last week Grid
Calculation Code Breakers:
Calculations code breaker P4 Answers
Calculations code breaker P5 Answers