Hello everyone!
Hope you all healthy and safe and managing this difficult times well.
I was calling you few weeks ago and some children are interested in the solar system so I thought it will be a good idea to post few things about it.
Our solar system consists of eight planets which all orbit around our home star, the Sun.
These 8 planets are:
These 8 planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
As you see on the picture Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, Jupiter is the biggest planet and Neptune is the furthest planet of the Sun. Children and do you know or remember what is the name of our planet?…Yes, the Earth :).
I hope you will enjoy a short video about our solar system…
Did you enjoy it? Maybe you could draw a nice picture of one of the planets or the Sun? Or perhaps you prefer to create a model of a rocket, spaceship and imagine you are visiting the space – which planet would you like to see? It would be lovely dear parents, carers if you could help your children with it and post some photographs?. Hope you enjoy it and have fun being creative
All the best
Nursery Team
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