St Anthony's Primary School Blog

Happy Holiday Weekend!


Dear Parent/ Carer

I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful blue sky’s we have been witnessing these past few weeks as it certainly makes our time outdoors more enjoyable.

As a staff team we have been making contact with our families for a friendly catch up.  Please note our calls will display as ‘No Caller ID’ or the school number as we have noticed that some families are not answering.  We will leave messages, however this facility is not always available.

The St Anthony’s family are here for you if you require anything further from the school, whether it is moral support, a listening ear, learning advice or just a general well-being check in/ chit chat.  Free school lunches are available to collect ‘which includes P1 – P3’ from 12.00 – 1.30 pm, Monday to Friday.  During this time school supplies are available too.  You may have noticed on our Blog and Teams we have sent out a questionnaire for our children to complete as part of the health and wellbeing curriculum and just to let us know how they are feeling during this time.

I am delighted to announce we have Mrs Lesley Creaney joining us as seconded Principal Teacher this session.  Mrs Creaney has joined us during these unprecedented times however she has embraced her management role and support for learning remit with enthusiasm.  Mrs Creaney will be in touch with our families to ensure we have a plan going forward for transition and actions for the future.

The Parent Council are still active and I have sought their thoughts and advice on how we continue to support you.   Mrs Claire Davison has been  great in coordinating this and attending online meetings and chat forums, this is very much appreciated.

Finally thank you, as parents and carers for all you are doing to keep everyone safe and to thrive whilst undertaking home learning.

I also thank the staff who are online every day, working in school HUBS, missing Easter and Bank holidays, Cleaning, Cooking and Volunteering as nothing would be possible without them.

‘’Remember the past with gratitude.  Live the present with enthusiasm.  Look forward to the future with confidence.’’ St John Paul II

Enjoy this Bank Holiday Monday

Kindest regards

Mrs Johanne Gardner

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