Good morning Primary 5/6
Morning prayer followed by a special intention Hail Mary for all the police and fire services and rescue services who are still working tirelessly to make sure we are all safe and protected. Amen
Spelling- Word Wizards and Super Spellers
Diacritically mark all the words you wrote yesterday for sh, ti and ch phonemes.
Rapid Readers – week 5 common words and phoneme
IDL and doorway online
Reading – Poetry – ~ The Great Realisation. Please click the link below for your reading task 2
The Great Realisation – task 2
Mental Maths starter – select an operation you wish to work on – addition,subtraction, multiplication or division or maybe all 4! You can also select the level of difficulty you wish to work on too.
Maths – Bearings Learning to read a compass rose
Stand facing the map.
Do a quarter turn clockwise. Where are facing? North, south? East or West?
Do a half turn anti clockwise. Where are you facing?
How many degrees do you turn if you turn half way clockwise?
How many degrees to you turn if you turn a whole circle back to facing north?
P.E with Joe Wicks You-tube 7th May 2020
Follow task one to learn all about orienteering!