- Hello everyone!
Last week I added to blog a post about looking after our planet Earth and our community. We learned about the importance of keeping our world around us clear and clean.
This week I would like to give you some ideas of ways how to teach your children to recycle, reuse and reduce…
One of the easiest ways is to take your children to clean up the playground or park, just remember you cannot use any equipment!
Another simple way is to create a recycling centre for the home or nursery. To do this, you can use cardboard boxes and invite the children to help make some signs for your recycling bins. Preschoolers can help make signs and place alphabet stickers for paper, plastic, cans, and glass. Then they can help to tape the signs on the boxes and set up a recycling centre near the wastebasket. When the recycling centre is all set up, invite children to help sort the recyclables into the bins. As they do this, talk about what is and is not recyclable and what happens to recyclables when they are taken by the recycling truck…
Or maybe you can share some other ideas?…We look forward to hear from you!
Nursery Team