St Anthony's Primary School Blog

Suggested programme of learning 3rd April 2020


Morning prayers. Let’s pray together for a special intention for all those who are worried about loved ones. May God may bring them some calm, comfort and faith that all will be well. Amen


Writing – Narrative/Imaginative genre

Write a story surrounding the character you created yesterday and write a creative story where they get up to mischief in school.

Think about your genre targets as you write

  • Understand the audience and that the purpose of your writing is to entertain.
  • Include a detailed opening to catch the readers interest and make them want to read further.
  • With detail, describe the setting and characters ( physical and emotional description)
  • Use dialogue ( direct speech) to develop the storyline


  • Include a cliffhanger, if appropriate.
  • Descriptive language to create images in the readers mind and enhance the story.
  • End the story with a satisfactory/appropriate conclusion.

Core Writing targets

  • Spell all commonly used words correctly by applying prior knowledge of spelling rules and strategies.
  • Spell less commonly used and topic specific words correctly.
  • Use a wide range of punctuation.
  • Use more complex sentence structures. – e.g. vary sentence starters.
  • Use paragraphs to separate ideas/events.
  • Use a wide variety of conjunctions/connectives to link ideas and joined sentences.
  • Proof read and edit writing.
  • Use linked, legible handwriting to present work attractively using appropriate forms of layout.

Listen again to the video interview with Michael Rosen and the author of Horrid Henry.

This should help you understand what makes an inspiring story.

Now watch this video to help you understand how to create an interesting setting: what is a setting

Now you must think about bringing your story alive for your reader by using descriptive language.

This video will help you understand how important using describing words are. Also how important it is to use similes and onomatopoeia ( remember we learned about these just before we broke up from school): descriptive language

I hope this is helpful to you as it is really tricky for a teacher to teach a writing lesson this way without hearing all your wonderful ideas and writing them beside you. 🙁

Word Wizards and Super spellers I will be looking for you to write at least 4 paragraphs with longer paragraphs in paragraph 2 and 3 where you will develop the plot.

Rapid Readers I will be looking for you to write 3 paragraphs with a beginning, middle and end.

Here are some word banks of adjectives to help you write creatively: t2-e-012-adjective-word-mat-_ver_1

Here is also a planning page to help you organise your writing: t2-e-088-story-planning-frame_ver_1

Enjoy your writing and remember to read back over each sentence as you write to check you are reaching your core writing targets.  Once you complete your writing, proof read and edit any mistakes.


TIMES TABLE PRACTISE –  time yourself whilst you complete your 50 club times table challenge within your pack you received at home.


P.E. with Joe wicks  3/4/20


Thank you for working so hard today and all week children. You now have your Easter holidays! There will be a post on the blog of fun activities you can do throughout the holidays, Hopefully you  can do some of the activities to keep you from feeling bored and reduce your screen time.  Remember you can still visit the many websites posted on the blog to continue working on all the things you enjoy.  Have a lovely relaxing time with your family.  I hope your parents enjoy some well deserved rest from  juggling their own work and supporting you in home schooling. Well done Mums and Dads!

Keep safe every one and God bless.

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