St Anthony's Primary School Blog

Message from Mrs Gardner


Today is the last day of term and the staff of St Anthony’s Primary School would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Easter break, in whatever form that takes.  We are thinking about our children and families and wishing you all well.

We have had some enquiries about picking up paper packs of learning.  Please note that parents / carers should continue to follow advice from Scottish government which is to protect yourself and others by staying at home and only going out for essential food, health and work reasons.   For these reasons, parents / carers should not come to school to pick up paper packs of learning, even after the Easter break, until further notice.

Staff will not post work on Glow Teams or School Blog over the Easter break.  We will begin working from home again on Monday 20th April.  There are links on the following site if you require some activities during this time.

After the Easter holiday learning activities for each class will be found on the school blog each day in case there are issues with Glow Teams.  All P1-3 activities will be on the blog.  The blog can be accessed by clicking on the following link which will take you to the school’s home page.  You can then click on your child’s class or stage to find the activities:

I would also like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to staff, children and parents / carers for their efforts to support learning and teaching from home.  Most of our children have adapted to digital learning well and are a credit to the school and their families.  Staff have shown their commitment to continuity of learning and are doing a terrific job in difficult circumstances.

We understand the difficulties some parents are having, juggling work and online learning.  Please be assured that we know you will be doing what you can.  We will continue to try to improve our approach after the Easter break.  Thank you for all the positive messages of thanks we have received and for the feedback which we will continue to listen to and consider.  Further advice, support and guidance is available at

Please note that information regarding school lunches during the school holiday period can be found at:

Key Worker Childcare Centres will also continue to operate during the school holiday period. Further information can be found at

Finally, if you would like to celebrate Mass over the Easter period then you can use the following link

There is a daily schedule of Mass, morning prayer and Stations of the Cross etc. available on

I hope you find this information useful.  Please take care and stay safe.

Mrs Gardner and all staff in St Anthony’s

“We celebrate Easter because now, thanks to the risen Lord, it is definitively established that reason is stronger than unreason, truth stronger than lies, love stronger than death.”

Pope Benedict XVI

Mrs Johanne Gardner

St Anthony’s R.C. Primary School

South Street


EH48 3EU

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