P3/4 Home Learning WB 11.6.18

Home Learning WB 11.6.18

Please see link above for this week’s home learning.

As it’s fitness week, home learning is health related with practical activities.

There’s no numeracy home learning this week, just the usual spelling and reading.

From next week to the holidays it will just be reading home learning.

Have a good week!

Kind Regards


Home Learning WB 4.6.18


Hi, Hope you had a lovely weekend.

Please see link above for this weeks home learning. Children have been working on fractions and realise that they need to know how to  multiply and divide to get quicker. This is a fun activity to help them to practise. They may need to look some of them up or swap the numbers round e.g if the question is 8 x 4, even if they don’t know their 8 times table, they can swap numbers to 4 x 8 which they should know.

Spelling this week is the other 2 columns from last week’s homework labelled P*s. This means plurals. Most words end in s or es when plural.

Thanks for all the creative spelling ideas. It’s great to see and inspires the other children. I m planning to make next week the last week of home learning. The following week is a short week with the Marches and then it’s the last week. What a fast year!

Kind Regards


P3/4 Home Learning WB 21.5.18

Home Learning WB 21.5.18

Dear All

Please see above link for Home Learning for next week.

Spelling sounds are ‘oa’, ‘ow’, ‘oi’, and ‘oy’. Most children should be able to learn all the words with these sounds. If this is too many for your child please choose 2 columns only, either the ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ or the ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ as these sounds can be confused.

Numeracy learning is fractions and division to see the link between these and use in practical situations.

Some children found fractions tricky in class if there was more than a whole. They should work out the whole first, then work out the fraction for the remainder. e.g. if there was a circle divided into 12 parts all shaded and another circle divided into 12 part with only 1 shaded some mistakenly put answer as 13/24 instead of 1 and 1/12.

They are also learning to write fraction in the simplest form e.g. 1/2 not 2/4 although they need to read the question carefully.

They have been shown in class how to use an imperfect fraction e.g. 3/2 instead of 1 and 1/2 but this is not a focus at the moment.

Have a good weekend.

Kind Regards


P3/4 Blog WE 4.5.18

In literacy this week we learned to proof read and rewrote a story about a farm. We corrected capital letters, commas, exclamation marks, full stops, speech marks and spelling. We learned to write words with the silent ‘c’ like science. We added more detail to discussion writing we had written on whether we should use as much as 75% of land for farming. We did a spelling test on ‘ai’, ‘air’ and ‘ea’ words.

In numeracy we learned how to set out formal division with brackets. We used our times tables to write out our multiplication and division in a line with the division in brackets.

In health and wellbeing, in PE we did relay races to work as a team and improve our fitness. We did circuits including mini tennis to keep our heart warm. We also played King of the Ring to keep our ball within the lines. We also walked a mile.

In learning across the curriculum we did science with Mrs Begarnie. We learned about electricity and we made circuits with lightbulbs, buzzers, wires, propellers and motors. We learned that electricity can flow in a circle or parallel. We designed electric models and made sure the circuits worked. We wrote facts about electricity and words about electricity like electrons, component, circuit and pylons.

Charlie from P7’s mum brought in a tractor, a lamb and chickens. They were free range chickens and had a wander round! The lamb was fluffy and cute. It was one month old. The tractor was a red Massey. It was massive. The wheels were very big. Charlie who is a farmer did a farming presentation with James from P7 who is also a farmer. They told us about breeds of sheep and cows, buffalo and deer. They told us about what produce came from different animals. We learned about sheepdogs and different commands they could be given so they knew what to do .After that we chose an animal and wrote details about what they looked like, where they lived, what they produced, what they ate and a funny fact.

We went to our committees. In pupil council we are organising a Disney dress down day. In JRSO we are designing a banner for being safer around school and parent’s letter to organise a Park and Stride. In sports we were making cards to say thank you. In health and wellbeing we were designing a cyber bullying poster. In digital leaders we were looking at using mobiles effectively and safely.

Have a good weekend!

P3/4 Home Learning WB 30.4.18

Home Learning WB 30.4.18

Hope you enjoyed the lovely sunny weekend.!

Above is a link to this week’s home learning.

All children will be doing the same spelling sheet. They should also do an activity on five of the sounds.

If I have already contacted you to ask your child to concentrate on certain sounds, then please focus on the ‘ai’ sounds. However as the children are challenging themselves to learn all words, they will be given an assessment on all the words. My focus will be the main sounds they have asked to learn.

Numeracy is setting out division questions leading to the the bracket style of formal division. Please encourage children to set out as though they were using squared paper, although there are no squares in their home learning jotters.  In numeracy jotters they should use one box per number and one box for question number with bracket around. There should be a box space all around the questions to make it neat and avoid confusing numbers when they get onto more digit calculations.

Apologies for last week’s home learning not being emailed out. My computer crashed last Monday at a course I was on and I still don’t have the use of it or any of my data so please excuse me if I am taking longer to respond to dojo’s etc.

Have a good week!

Kind Regards


P3/4 Blog WE 27.4.18

Hi All

In literacy this week we learned how to use commas in speech.  In our reading lessons we were using thinking reader strategies of main ideas, prior knowledge, visualisation, metalinguistic, inference and summarising. We discussed the settings and characters using picture and reading challenge cards. We wrote a report about whether we should use as much as 75% of land for farming. We also wrote an imaginative story about what it would be like to live on a farm

In numeracy we learned how to divide and practised our times tables using division wheels, snakes and ladders and division bingo games.

In health and wellbeing we played basketball with Mrs Reid. We practised fitness with Mrs McAlpine focusing on stamina and walked and jogged a mile a day.

In learning across the curriculum we learned patterns in our NYCOS last session! We are making a tractor to put on our farming display. We watched Springtime on the farm. We learned about the process of cows, pigs, chickens and fish going from farms to getting to the shops. We learned about how animals were looked after and looked at the differences between chickens that were kept inside and free range chickens that were able to have more room to move about.

Have a good weekend!

Home Learning 16.4.18

Home Learning 16.4.18

Hope you had a good weekend.

Please see link above for home learning that should be in jotters.

Everyone should be doing the numeracy which is reinforcing that doubles are x 2, unless they are working on second level.

If your child has been given a booklet, they have to do the ‘oa’ sounds. Everyone else has to do all the ‘ck’ and ‘ke’ sounds.

Have  a good week!

P3/4 Home Learning for Week beginning 19.3.18


Hope you are having a great weekend.

Home Learning for Week beginning 19.3.18


Reading from group novel. There is no additional reading task this week so that there is more time to focus on spelling task.


Spelling words for this week are attached with i-e, o-e, u-e sounds. Children should try to learn these words and choose a spelling task on 5 of the words using a variety of the sounds.

i-e o-e o-e u-e
tire coke rose cube
wire joke vote tube
alive poke broke rude
drive woke broken duke
live hole choke flume
prize dome smoke tune
home spoke cute
cope stone chute
hope throne use
pope close fuse
rope those
hose chose
nose froze


This week’s focus is time. A good website for practising time is http://www.visnos.com/demos/clock which shows analogue and digital time together to make connections. The children do not need to know the exact minutes for analogue time but it is useful to learn 5 past, 10 past etc. not just quarter to and quarter past. Time is learned better with practical situations so can you ask your child examples of how long it will take to get to an event or how long event lasted e.g. if we leave at 5.30 for swimming which starts 6.15, how long do we have. Please emphasise that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour as they are used to most measurements being 100.

Learning across the Curriculum

Unfortunately, this is the last week of learning about the Vikings. Thank you for all the resources you shared with the class. Please ask your child to collect it back by the end of the week and finish anything they have been working on.

Have a good week!

Kind Regards


P3/4 Home Learning WB 5.3.18

a-e a-e i-e i-e
late shape tide wise
mate plate wide bite
gave grave bike kite
save shave hike size
wave slave like inside
shade   time slide
bake   fine smile
flake   line stile
shake care mine while
flame fare nine chime
shame share pine slim
plane square wine shine
grape stare pipe spine


Hi Everyone

Next Week’s spelling words:

Practise selection from Fry’s 100 words sheet

Reading: Pages covered in class from reading books

Numeracy: Practise Times tables

Have a safe weekend.

Kind Regards


P3/4 Resource suggestions to download


Hi Everyone

School is closed another day. Here’s some resource suggestions for you to download. Your child can choose their own word for their acrostic poem about vikings, e.g. longboat.

Have a good day!

Kind Regards







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