Our visit to New Lanark and Fractions in P2B

We all had a great day at New Lanark. The weather forecast was better than expected and the sun even came out. We enjoyed our little ride around the Annie Macleod experience and think we all learnt a lot from that. Then we had Janet talk to us about Victorian toys and we got to try out the toys and compared them to what we play with today. Everyone had great fun with the various toys including skittles, hopscotch and ball and cup. Mrs.Burton tried her hardest with the ball and cup but didn’t succeed. We then had the long awaited lunch and visited the school room where some of us dressed up and some pretended to be the teacher. We concluded our visit with a short film on Time Travelling. Looking both back and forward in time. So a very successful trip which I think was enjoyed by all. Some photos of our trip.

On Wednesday we wrote a recount of our trip using time connectives and the past tense. Our drawings of New Lanark are ongoing. We have also worked on a comprehension about “Hansel and Gretel”.

In Numeracy we have been learning about Fractions – both halves and quarters and can now recognise half of a shape as well as 1 quarter, 2 and 3. Next week we will continue with Fractions of numbers.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

Chess Team Wins Gold!

Our school chess team won the gold award at a chess competition  for Linlithgow primary schools  today.

We are absolutely delighted! Thank you to Mr Clarke and Mr Woodhouse for their support with our Chess Club.

Miss Baillie x

Perfect Performances

On Monday we started working with percentages of amounts. This was tricky, however we all perservered and managed to understand the principles. We also had our 3rd rugby session outside. Next week is our final session and we are hoping that everyone has their outdoor PE kit with them.

On Tuesday we created informational posters for the Scottish Opera. We had to include certain information and most of us managed to make lovely, bright posters. We started our health and wellbeing lessons today as well. Mrs Newton was very impressed by our atitude during this session.

Next up was our opera day! Alan, Julie, Kirsty and Ellie, from Scottish Opera, all said we were superstars as we all knew our words and picked up the moves in super quick time. We hope you enjoyed watching our performance as much as we enjoyed performing for you.

In Science we made candle holders, We worked in pairs to do this, next week we will have a discussion on who takes the products home.

A large number from the class went to perform at the Glee contest. Everyone agreed that we were amazing and we brought the Spirit Award back to Springfield, for showing respect to all the other schools and having a positive attitude to taking part.

Next week  we have our trip to New Lanark on Thursday, thank you to the parent helpers who are coming with us. We all need to wear school unifrom, sensible shoes (we will be walking quite a lot), waterproof coat, water and a packed lunch.

Have a lovely weekend,  hopefully the snow won’t be too bad!

P6a and Mrs Newton

P.S. Breaking News- well done to the 2 boys from our class who attended the chess tournament today and won all their matches. 🙂


Primary 1B – w/e 15th March 2019

This week in Literacy we were have been learning ‘oa’ as in coat and ‘ow’ as in glow. We have found that ‘oa’ is mainly found in the middle of a word and ‘ow’ is mainly found at the end.  We have also been practising our new tricky words – one and you.

In Numeracy we have been continuing our learning about subtraction and have also looked at double numbers this week.  We noticed a pattern in the answers to the double number questions as they move up in 2’s (e.g. 1+1 = 2, 2+2 = 4 etc).  We enjoyed splatting this number pattern on our online hundred square.  You could play with this at home – https://www.primarygames.co.uk/pg2/splat/splatsq100.html

We continued our work on Money, adding coins to work out the cost of an item and choosing a range of coins to make up an amount to buy something.  We are getting very good at identifying coins now!

In Health and Wellbeing, we were learning about the plant life cycle.  We talked about plants and what they need to grow.  Everyone created their own plant life cycle, learning that seeds become seedlings which then grow into plants.  We investigated some parts of flowers and plants on our light box and loved using the magnifying glasses to see these up close.  We had fun planting our own class sunflower and we are going to take turns to check if it needs watered each morning.  We’re looking forward to watching it grow!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

New Lanark Trip – P2A

We had a fantastic time today, we loved New Lanark!

First we played with the toys children would have played with in New Lanark in the Victorian Times. We found them really tricky to master but we were resilient and kept trying. The hoop and stick game was the most popular (Mrs Bell has forgotten the Scottish name for this – the children might remember!)

Next we went on the Annie McLeod experience which took us on a fascinating journey of discovery into what life was like in New Lanark in 1820.

Then it was the highlight of the day for some – lunchtime! (We had been asking if it was nearly lunchtime since about 9am)

After that we went for a run around in an amazing adventure playground, the sun even shone for us.

Finally we had a look around the Victorian school room and watched a video about how Robert Owen changed history with his new ideas. We had a bit of a trek back up the hill to the bus – they will all sleep well tonight!

It was a pleasure taking the children on a trip – they were very well behaved and showed lots of enthusiasm. The lady who did the toy session with us commented on what a joy they were to work with 🙂

Here are some photos from our day:

Enjoy the rest of your week,

Love Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire x

Fairtrade and World Book Day P3B

Phew, what a busy week!  A big shout out to P3B as they have worked incredibly hard, producing some excellent work and having a lot of fun along the way.

At the beginning of the week we were product designers, we had to name and design the wrapper for a new Fairtrade chocolate bar – what would make people buy our bar rather than the many others on the shelf?  The children really rose to the challenge and I was so impressed with every design.  Each one was eye catching and fitted the design brief really well.  They are now proudly displayed on our classroom wall.

On Wednesday we created a character profile for Elsie from our book The Ice Monster.  We used describing words to write about Elsie’s appearance and personality and we used our knowledge of the story to write about Elsie’s life so far.  Again, we worked incredibly hard, taking time to choose the best words to describe Elsie.  Our sentences were well written, we are getting so good at remembering capital letters for proper nouns 😉 The sketches of Elsie were also very detailed and some even labelled their pictures to describe her appearance further.

It was World Book Day on Thursday and we watched the premiere of a new show on the Puffin Virtually Live website: https://puffinvirtuallylive.co.uk/ You can search for the link if you’d like to find out more.  We particularly enjoyed watching the interview with Humza Arshad and drew along with former Waterstones Children’s Laureate, Chris Riddell.  It was tricky drawing along with an illustrator but we all gave it a go.  We were very complimentary to each other.

After the video we could choose what other World Book Day activities we would like to do; design a bookmark, do a World Book day word search, create a new front cover for your favourite book, write and illustrate your own book or sketch a woolly mammoth in the style of Tony Ross, the illustrator of The Ice Monster.  Everyone was very busy, some of us chose to work together to write books and some worked in small groups following the step by step instructions to draw woolly mammoths.

On Thursday afternoon we enjoyed a paired reading session with P1.  We read and encouraged P1 children to read too, we were very helpful with techniques to help if someone is stuck on a word.  It was a lovely quiet session and all children were completely engaged in reading, it was lovely to see and hear.

We have also been busy in maths. All of us are now subtracting bridging the tens number. We have begun by subtracting a single digit from a 2 digit at the moment, e. g. 65 – 8, this will increase confidence before we move onto larger numbers. We also used our subtraction skills to work out change from 50p. If anyone has coins out at the weekend maybe they could practise this.

We also had PE with Mrs Reid and Mrs Kennedy, with Mrs Kennedy we have begun a block of tennis lessons.

Have a good weekend everyone, let’s hope the rain stops for a bit.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy 🙂


P7a Weekly Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

Our learning this week has progressed from angles to compass points before rounding off the week with coordinates. We have been reading and plotting points in a single quadrant which we discovered is called a Cartesian grid system, based on the theories and work of mathematician René Descartes. It was important to remember to mark our x and y axes with an evenly distributed scale, label them and plot our points precisely. The line where the two lines meet is called the origin (0,0) and a point will never be named O to avoid confusion. We extended our learning to reading and plotting points in four quadrants using negative coordinates before reflecting across both the x and y axes.

Literacy and English

The two reading techniques we have explored this week are pathetic fallacy and dramatic irony. We found that dramatic irony is when the reader of a text is aware of something that the character isn’t. For example, in Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, we used context clues to infer that Bruno should not enter the concentration camp but he was naive as to the dangers that this entailed. We found that pathetic fallacy is when the author reflect human emotions and the mood through inanimate objects, such as the weather. In the penultimate and final chapter of the novel, John Boyne builds tension and atmosphere through persistent heavy rain and a storm approaching.

In writing this week, we have been compiling book reviews of Boy in the Striped Pyjamas that incorporate persuasive techniques and include the main features of this genre of writing. We used questions at the beginning to hook the reader and ensured there was a short summary of events within our initial paragraph. Without giving away the ending, we described the plot and main characters through the use of powerful verbs and adjectives. To conclude, we provided the reader with our personal opinion on the text and gave examples of what we had particularly enjoyed. I think we’d all agree that Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is well worth a read for older children and adults alike!

Health and Wellbeing

In P.E this week we have been developing the accuracy of our slingshot and underarm throw within dodgeball whilst incorporating some thinking skills through Better Movers and Thinkers work. We played in 1v1 situations to strike a central target using both our stronger and weaker arm to throw before moving up or down the league depending on our success. Whilst exchanging dodgeballs we had to ensure that both our feet were off the ground as we received the ball. This led to some interesting methods of catching, including sitting on the ground with our feet up to do so!

The Sports Committee were defining ‘achievement’ this week within a sporting context and coming up with examples of what this may look like. For example, Ellie has achieved through leading her peers, Callum achieved by showing bravery and courage to try a new discipline within fencing and Sarah achieved by persisting for over a year to master a move in gymnastics. We collated our ideas on the board and came up with a ‘recipe for success and achievement in sport’ at Springfield Primary School. This will be displayed in our gym hall in the coming weeks.

Learning Across the Curriculum

Here are some photos from our learning across the curriculum this week, including STEM and Skills for Learning, Life and Work…

Coming Up…

Here are important upcoming dates for the P7 diaries…

  • 11.3.19 – Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood lessons begin in Health and Wellbeing
  • 12.3.19 – Grant Armstrong and Scott Brown visiting P7 for S1 transition talk
  • 12.3.19 – Deborah Paton (Sustrans) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 12.3.19 – Jennie King (NHS – Nurse) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 12.3.19 – P7a pupils to St. Michael’s Day Care Centre (x4)
  • 13.3.19 – Scottish Opera performance from 2.15-3.00pm (1 x guest per child)
  • 14.3.19 – P7 Information Evening for children, parents and carers at Linlithgow Academy
  • 15.3.19 – Natalie Boyle (Eye Surgeon) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 19.3.19 – Richard Vereker (Rope Access Engineer) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 20.3.19 – Denise Schofield (Kilt Maker) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 21.3.19 – Tom Robison visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 22.3.19 – Pupil Voice Committee meetings

Have a great weekend everyone!

P7a and Mr. Logan

Springfield and Bonnytoun News

We held an assembly today to celebrate World Book Day. We talked about the pleasure that can be found in reading and how much we can learn from books. Did you know that reading can be thought of as ‘exercise for the brain?’ It helps us to make links with what we know and these links help form neural pathways in our brain.

Children shared their favourite books and authors. What a diverse range of texts we enjoy!

Our nursery children had great fun yesterday, dressing up as characters from their favourite books. All staff were dressed up too!

Achievements for this week:

– Well done to Z in P3 for gaining a trophy for Irish dancing! What a brilliant hobby Z!

Have a lovely weekend everyone! Read lots!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫📚



P1a weekly news


Our new sounds this week were ‘igh’ and ‘y’ which both make the I sound. We learnt that igh is a trigraph and talked about tri meaning 3. We remembered the rule that most times ‘igh’ goes in the middle of words and y at the end. We need lots of practice though as it is very tricky…. Our new common words were “come” and “said”, most of us already knew these from our reading books.

On World Book Day we read with some of the P3’s. Some of us read to the P3’s and some P3’s read to us. You can see some of our siblings reading together which was lovely! D was so tired that his story made him fall asleep in our reading corner…


Our subtraction journey continued with a dip into the links between addition and subtraction to make “fact families”. This is a very tricky concept that we will revisit regularly. An example with 2,8 and 10 is 2+8=10, 8+2=10, 10-2=8, 10-8=2.

Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a

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