P3B Mind Mapping, Planning and Measuring

Another busy week in P3B.  On Tuesday we were learning about how to use medicine safely.  We identified when it is ok to use medicine and the benefits that medicine can have as well as thinking about situations when taking medicine may be harmful, such as taking medicine that isn’t for you and not under the supervision of a trusted adult.  We were given lots of different scenarios that we could encounter, e.g., you find a jar of pills with the lid off, what should you do?  We were all very sensible and had lots of great advice to make sure we did the right thing.  After our discussions we wrote down at least three golden rules when it comes to medicine.

In our Social Studies Local Area topic we have decided to begin a campaign to reduce the amount of litter that is dropped in our school grounds.  We want to get the whole school involved as it the responsibility of all to look after our local environment.  On Tuesday we learned about mind maps – what they are good for and how to make them.  We worked in pairs to make mind maps outlining our ideas for the campaign.  There were lots of really good suggestions.  We have also spoken to Mrs Hutton who spends a lot of time in our outdoor areas and asked her for her opinion on the problem areas.  The pitch, trim trail and outdoor classroom seem to be the worst areas.  On Friday we went to look at these areas and write down ways to target them.

We have been learning about minibeasts with Mrs McVay over the past couple of weeks.  This week we had a ladybug ball – made masks and sang songs.

In Music with Ms Bain we have been writing a song about reduce, reuse and recycle and she even recorded us singing this week!

We completed and presented the powerpoints we have been making to convince the Simpsons to move to Linlithgow.   We were not short of ideas for things to do in and around town.  The Leisure Centre, Loch and Palace featured in quite a few.  We have been reminded how lucky we are to live in such a lovely place.

In numeracy and maths we have been multiplying 2-digit numbers by 2, 3 and 4 and some have begun dividing.  In outer maths we learned about capacity this week.  We had three stations which we each visited throughout the lesson.  We played computer games where we had to read the amount of liquid in a container using the scale on the side.  We completed capacity question sheets and practised estimating and measuring  using water, beakers, spoons and jugs.  It was a busy lesson and everyone was very engaged.

Thank you for reading our blog, have a great weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

P2A Class Assembly – Giraffes Can’t Dance

Well done to all of my giraffes, crickets, rhinos, lions, baboons, chimps and warthogs…You were AMAZING!

Every one of you spoke clearly and danced confidently. You should be very proud of yourselves!

Thank you to all the parents for your support with learning lines and making costumes 🙂

Have a lovely weekend,

Love P2A, Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire x

Primary 5 w/e 24th May 2019

In maths this week we have looked at formal methods of division. We used the ‘step’ method of recording our answers. We also discovered how to calculate the distance around the perimeter of a shape. We took the trundle wheels outside and measured the perimeter of the school.

We used this information to create a more detailed map (which some of us drew to scale) in our topic lessons about mapping this week.

We were due our house reward from before the holidays, so we combined our Golden Time with this and had a great time at Dovecote Park this morning.

In PE we had a taster session for indoor kurling.

In Science, we have started a new topic about sound.  We explored sound through voice and musical instruments.

Have a great week,

Kind regards

Mrs Kerr

Mind maps, Litter and Capacity (P3A)

In Numeracy this week we have been revising our multiplication facts for the 3, 4 and 5 times-tables, multiplying multiples of 10 and multiplying a 2-digit number by 2, 3 and 4. Some of us have also been dividing by 3, multiplying by 7 and revising all of our multiplication facts and strategies. Next week we will start work on division.

This week we looked at recording measurements of capacity using litres and millilitres. We worked in groups and rotating round different measuring activities. We played a game called ‘Drip and Drag’ on the laptops, practised reading scales and estimated and measured the capacity of different containers.

In Literacy we looked at illustrating part of a story that we enjoyed. We looked at the role of an illustrator and then we drew a scene or part of a story that we enjoyed, using either our class novel or a reading book from home. Once we had finished our pictures, we described what was happening in our pictures and why we chose to draw that part of the story.

This week we also looked at mind-mapping. We explored and discussed examples of mind maps and then we worked in pairs to create a mind map to highlight our ideas for our litter campaign. On Wednesday, we reviewed our mind maps and made an action plan with the help of Miss Harrison. After we had decided what needs to be done, we worked in pairs to make persuasive posters for our litter campaign. Over the next few weeks we will be encouraging others to care for their environment.

In Health this week, we learned how to use medicines safely. We listened to a story called ‘How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?’ and we discussed times where we felt unwell and how we got better. Miss Harrison spoke to us about keeping safe around medicines and then we looked at ‘What Should I Do If’ scenario cards in groups. Using what we had learned, we worked in pairs to write down three golden rules for keeping safe around medicines.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx




We finished and uplevelled our diary entry.  FD

We spelt our words using sign language.

Some people started  literacy circles for guided reading.




Some of us multiplied 3 digit by 2 digit numbers using written method. EM

I learnt to do multiplication with 2 digit by 1 digit number. AS

We learnt to create pie charts. HM

We learnt to make a bar chart. SCD



We finally got to see Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus in the National Museum of Scotland.

We got to touch a real Canopic jar which was 3000 years old.

We also got to see John Logie Baird’s Hybrid TV.




We explored how medicine can be beneficial as well as dangerous in certain situations.


We learnt to say the weather in French.


P6a at the Peel

On Monday we went to the Peel to take part in an environmental art session with Will and Keith from Historic Scotland. We really enjoyed this activity, firstly we took part in a scavenger hunt to find leaves, sticky willows, rocks, sticks, a buttercup and a purple flower. Then we made a green man, we used clay on trees to make a face and then we used grass and leaves to decorate the face. It was a great morning, even though a few of us got stung by nettles.

On Tuesday we learned about the 8 fold path that Buddhists follow. Some of us also took part in the Tiny and Tall session with our Nursery Buddies.

Wednesday we continued our art inspired by Thiebauld and finished our work on strategies to solve multiplication problems. We completed our leaflets on activities for children in Linlithgow and worked on our presentations for the proposed Cala homes development.

Thursday saw us discuss our inferential and literal  questions relating to our reading books. In Science we completed our torso’s and decorated these, before peer assessing them. We completed a mental maths activity in the afternoon and then finished our power point planning for our presentations.

Today we created power points and planned our talks to the planning committee (Mrs Newton and Mrs Hutton) and had a camp discussion.

Next week we will start to learn about what makes a sustainable development and write a persuasive text on why we think new homes should be environmentally friendly. 🙂

Have a lovely weekend, we only have 5 weeks left before we are P7’s 🙂 🙂 🙂

P6a and Mrs Newton



P4/5 Week commencing 20th May 2019

In Maths we started to look at division, what it means and how to use the written method when solving our problems.  We played a game of “Noggle” to try and make the largest number from the set of numbers that were chosen at random. We also gathered data about the playground and have started to present this information using bar and pie charts.

In grammar this week we looked at similes and have started to use them in our writing.  In writing we wrote a diary entry about the Union Canal Boat Race.

This week we also went on a school trip to the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.  We went to the education rooms where we took part in an Egyptian artefact handling session.  In the handling room Harrison demonstrated how to remove Mr Ritchie’s brain as part of the mummification process using the special tool! Then we went to explore the new Egyptian gallery that has newly opened.  We watched various recordings and learned a lot about the life of the Egyptians.

In PE this week we played outdoor games and a game of “rounders.” It was very competitive and we all had great fun!

In Reading we continued with our Literacy Circles and had some very good discussions about the work of the different authors.  The “Discussion Director’s” lead their groups very well and asked lots of interesting questions.  We all enjoy taking on the different roles and responsibilities involved within the circle.

We have also started to learn some Spanish.  We can now say some simple greetings and ask a person their name.  In French we have started to learn the names for different parts of our body and played a game of “snakes and ladders” to help us remember the different parts.

In Science this week we made a simple electrical switch out of a sheet of plastic, two drawing pins and a paperclip.  We also started planning the electrical games that we will be making next week.

Mr Ritchie and the “tiggerrific” P4/5’s


P1B – Week ending 24th May

What a quick week!

In Literacy, we have been learning the new digraphs, ‘au’ as in launch and ‘aw’ as in draw.  We learned that, once again, there is unfortunately no set pattern to follow to work out which au/aw to use when we are spelling using this digraph but, as we have discussed before, this will get better with practise.  Our new tricky words were ‘do’ and ‘as’.  This was the last week of new digraphs and tricky words for Primary 1.  The rest of the term will be used to consolidate learning of all sounds we have learned throughout the year.

In Numeracy we continued to work on our sequencing skills, forwards and backwards, within 20.  We took turns to choose a selection of numbers and found the easiest way to sequence the numbers was to work out which were the largest and the smallest numbers and sequence the others in between.  We loved using the caterpillar sequencing game and used this to challenge each other.  You could play this at home too (https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/caterpillar-ordering).

In Maths we continued to learn about how to present data in a pictogram.  We learned that it is important to create a separate column for each of data sets in the pictogram, making it clear to understand.  We began to learn about strategies we could use to interpret the data in the chart.

In PE we were working on eye/foot co-ordination, dribbling a ball and we also continued our Gymnastics block with Mrs Harris.  We built on the Gymnastics learning that we have done so far, practising a variety of rolls and jumps.  Everyone worked very hard to try to complete the tasks.

We were also lucky to have an Enjoy-A-Ball session this week.  Paul Pizza was impressed with the ball dribbling skills on show and how well the children listened to his instructions.

We started thinking about our class assembly which is set for Friday 7th June.  Mrs Reid was very impressed with the ideas which were suggested and we are hoping to incorporate all of them into our performance.  We’re keeping this top secret just now!

We arrived in school on Thursday to find one of our butterflies had hatched from its cocoon and shortly after we started our day, another one emerged!  We were very excited to see them and had a super discussion about the hatching process.  We had lots of questions and researched the answers to these together.  We wanted to know if our butterflies were boys or girls and what the red liquid was that came out of the butterflies as they hatched.  I wonder if the children can tell you the answers?

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

Houses, homes and alliteration in P2B

The children have been busy this week, showing off their skills to our visitors. In Maths, we have been learning how to find out information and record it both in pictograms and bar charts. This will be ongoing next week as well. We need to think carefully about our questions, so that we get the correct information.

In Literacy we have been writing a character description. Myrtle, the character in our class novel “Fing” was chosen, as we know a lot about her.  We thought of many WOW words to describe her, both her personality and her appearance. There were some great descriptions. We are practicing writing character and setting descriptions in preparation for writing a story in the coming weeks. Our spellings have been adding “ing” and another group have been doing consonant blends of “br,cr” etc.  Reading has mostly been poetry and we’ve looked at rhyming words, WOW words and how we could write a new verse for a poem. Some fantastic results.

We also had great fun with alliteration and enjoyed saying some of the tongue twisters. Hoping to see some alliteration in the writing now.

We started Houses and Homes this week and began by looking at the different types of houses and their suitability for different people. We began to design different houses and there are some brilliant ideas so far. G.M designed a tepe – brilliant!

Hope that you are all having a good weekend and looking forward to a quieter week this week.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

Theatre School Achievements!

We have a number of children who attend theatre school in their spare time and have recently been in different performances. Well done to the following:

-E  and I in P3 for being the Woodcutter and The Queen of Hearts in a recent theatre show.

-A brilliant effort from A in P6 who performed in role as a ‘judge’ and M in P1 who also had a part in the performance. Great effort everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

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