P3B Week commencing 2nd March

In Maths we have been continuing our work on number talks and subtraction.  We are now able to subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number using both written and mental strategies.  We will be finishing off our subtraction work by looking at subtraction written problems set in a context.  Once we have completed this we will be moving on to multiplication!

In writing we all went to the library to select a book of our choice.  We read the books and then wrote up a book review.  We had to write down our opinions about the book giving reasons why we liked or disliked the characters, story plot and setting.  We then had to write up a recommendation for the book and give it a star rating.

Mrs Manlove our school librarian set us a competition to design a new book cover for our favourite book.  We discussed the importance of using colour, text size and making sure our overall design was in proportion to make the cover look attractive and encourage people to pick the book up to see what it was about.  We also looked at a range of different book covers created by different illustrators to see how they used different sizes of texts in different positions to create attractive and eye-catching effects.  We are looking forward to finding out the winner of the competition.

We also had a visit from P7 who did an art lesson and showed us how to make and design a bookmark.  They also told us about the new book club that will be starting in the library and also the book swap that is happening this week as part of World Book Day.

Thursday was World Book Day and Mrs Fleming was teaching us. We dressed up in some brilliantly creative costumes and took part in lots of fun learning activities.  In PE, we went on a bear hunt just like the popular storybook and learned how to move our bodies in different ways. We read “The Disgusting Sandwich” by Gareth Edwards and completed some fun reflective reading tasks based on this.  We even got to recreate the disgusting sandwich using real, squelchy, squishy ingredients! YUCK!!  We had 2 special visitors who read us stories throughout the day – Mrs Manlove from school and the author Lynne Rickards. Lynne read us one of her own books called Willow the Wildcat and we got the chance to ask her lots of questions about her job. We also got to watch P1b perform their World Book Day themed assembly which was hilarious! It was an action packed fun day for us all!

Today we invited our parents into the classroom to take part in our “BEAR” event.  We read and discussed the story “Wanted! Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burglar and then completed our Reflective Reading activity stations – Textplorers, Picture It, Find the silly words and Jigsaw Jumble.  We all had great fun working with our parents and completing the tasks at the different activity stations.

Mr Ritchie, Mrs Fleming and the tiggerrific P3B’s

School show, change and World Book Day in P1a

Our new digraphs this week were ow as in show and oa as in soap. We found this quite tricky to master…but oa mostly goes in the middle and ow mostly at the end of words. Our new common words were you and one, again we can recognise these from our reading books, but can we spell them?

In numeracy we were focused on looking at our symbols and mixing addition and subtraction signs together. We get into the habit of always taking away even when there is an addition sign. Mrs Gordon and Mrs Bell made a worksheet where they had answered some calculations incorrectly, we had to tick or cross the answers once we had worked out if they were correct or not. This was encouraging us to read symbols carefully!

We also continued our money journey by looking at giving change. This is a very tricky concept and will need lots of practise. It would be good to try this out at home by making a little shop. We will practise this a little more next week.

In art we looked at line drawing, colour and proportion when we did still life drawings of daffodils. Some of us did a pencil drawing first and then added paint. It was quite difficult to get the sizes right, but Mrs Gordon was very impressed with our finished artwork. You can see it in our corridor on our new spring display!

For World Book Week we did lots of fun activities. We designed book covers for our favourite books, read lots of stories in class, had 2 mystery readers (Mrs Bell’s mum and Mr Logan), had Lynne Rickards (an author) in to read one of her books to us, went to P5/6 for a story session (including blankets, cushions, juice and a biscuit, yum!), dressed up and went to Mrs Bell’s class assembly on books! Phew that was a lot of things…

On Wednesday and Thursday night it was the P6/7 show Fame, Mrs Gordon was pleased to see so many P1’s come along and enjoy the show. They did so well.

Today we were so pleased to see lots of our parents come in for our BEAR event (be excited about reading). We read Handa’s Surprise and then with the help of our grown ups we made fruit from playdough, sequenced the story, retold the story with puppets and drew pictures of the fruit, animals and characters. At the teaching table Mrs Gordon was working with us to predict what might happen next in the story. We had to draw what we thought would be next. Mrs Gordon was very impressed with all the great ideas.

Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a.

World Book Day 2020 in P3A

There has been a lot going on in P3A this week.  We had a lovely outdoor yoga session, led by some P5 children, on Wednesday.  There were different yoga stations for us to try out, they involved stretches, breathing exercises, and meditation.  There was also a station where we did some art work using natural objects.  The P5 children were really good at helping us at each of the stations and we really enjoyed being outside.

As it was world Book day on Thursday, we have had lots of different book activities this week.  For writing we wrote a book review on a book of our choice from the school library.  We enjoyed being critics, giving the book a score out of 5.  We then wrote a synopsis about the plot and characters and what we liked or disliked about it.  We also decided if we would recommend it to others.

We did some drama in the school hall, working in groups to decide on a book to act out to the rest of the class to see if they could guess what the book was.  There was lots of really good acting and we were pretty good at guessing too.

We also shared our favourite books with each other and made new designs for the front cover.  These will be displayed in the school library.

Here we are in our World Book Day costumes:

We also had a visit from author Lynne Rickards on Thursday. She read us her new book Willow the Wildcat. We enjoyed the story and had lots of questions to ask about it and on what it’s like to be an author. Lynne also really enjoyed hearing about the stories we have written too.

On Friday we had a BEAR (be excited about reading) event, thank you to all the family members who came.  We heard the story ‘Wanted: Ralfie Rabbit, Book Burgler.’  We then did some of the activities we do during our Reflective Reading sessions.  Normally we would do one activity per lesson but today we had four activities to show examples of the different things we do when we read a book to help us improve our understanding of text.  The activities we did today were:

  1. Spot the Silly Word – read a passage taken from the book and spot the 10 ‘silly’ words that do not belong.
  2. Jigsaw Jumble – Rearrange the parts of sentences taken from the book so that they make sense.
  3. Textplorers – read the book and write down any nouns, adjectives and verbs that you find.
  4. Picture It – Read the description of Ralfie Rabbit – draw a wanted poster and write a description to help the police to find Ralfie.

After our visitors left we had one last book week lesson with Mrs Fleming.  She read us a book called The Disgusting Sandwich, then we made disgusting sandwiches! Yuk!

All children were given a token today to allow them to get a free book, it should be in their school bag.

Have a good weekend everyone, P3A and Mrs Kennedy

EaRL, Toy Museums and Book Day (P2B)

We have had a very busy week in P2B!

As part of our IDL focus on Toys, we looked at programmable toys. Miss Harrison introduced us to a programmable toy called EaRL. We discussed his instruction buttons and Miss Harrison showed us how to program EaRL. We also learned what ‘algorithm’ and ‘debug’ mean. In groups, we planned routes for EaRL on the different mats. If we encountered any problems then we had to fix them.

This week we learned to write a recount. On Tuesday, we listened to a story called ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’. We discussed the characters in the text, the main events and what happened at the beginning. middle and end of the story. To plan our writing, we drew pictures of the beginning, middle and end. On Wednesday and Thursday, we used our plans to write our recounts. We made sure that we put the main events in the correct order and we used different joining words.

In our Short Read lesson this week, we completed a Jigsaw Jumble activity. We listened to the audiobook ‘Aliens love Underpants’ and then we looked at sentences that the aliens had jumbled up! We had to rearrange the sentences using clues from the text. We knew that the word beginning with a capital letter would go at the start of the sentence and we knew that the word which had a full stop after it would go at the end of the sentence. Working together, we were able to rearrange the sentences.

This week we revised the sound ‘o-e’. We drew and wrote ‘o-e’ words and we used picture clues to write ‘o-e’ words on our whiteboards. At play, we made ‘o-e’ words with Lego. Some of us were also revising our common words. We played Bingo and a memory game to practise identifying our common words.

In Numeracy and Mathematics, we learned to tell times one hour later and calculate durations in hours. We played a game on Education City called ‘Stig and the Bus’ where we had to calculate time durations. Using analogue and digital o’clock and half past times, we also found the times one hour after. This week we also started to look at money. We revised identifying coins and then we learned to sort the coins from the least value to the most. Some of us were given a coin and we have to sort ourselves according to our value. Afterwards we learned to add coins to 20p. We used our knowledge of number bonds to help us to add money amounts.

On Thursday it was World Book Day. We created big front covers of some of our favourite texts that we have read in P2. These are going to be displayed in our school library. On Thursday morning we had a special visitor. Lynne Rickards, a children’s book author, came to visit to read us her new book ‘Willow the Wildcat’. She is the author of ‘I Do Not Eat the Colour Green’, ‘Never Bite a Tiger on the Nose’ and ‘Harris the Hero’. We also asked her some questions about being an author. On Thursday afternoon, we went to the P1 assembly on World Book Day. During play we created our own Book Day bookmarks and some of us were also working on writing our own books!

On Friday we had a BEAR event. Our families came in to our classroom to look at what we have been learning in our Short Read lessons. Together we completed activities such as Blankety Blank, Text Marking, Picture It and Integrate It. In Blankety Blank, we had to work out which words should go in the empty spaces in the story ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’. Using description from the text, we drew the character in Picture It. For Integrate It, we had to use key information from the text to complete the diagram. In Text Marking, we had to spot common words in books from our reading area.

Thank you for reading our blog post.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P2B and Miss Harrison xxx

P7a Fabulous, Fantastical FAME :)

This week has all been about FAME. We had our last full in school rehearsal on Monday and then on Tuesday we had two full dress rehearsals at the Academy. These went really well and we were very happy with what we had learned. Rebecca Holmes took pictures of us and they look amazing 🙂

Wednesday and Thursday were show days and we were outstanding. Mrs Newton (and all the other teachers) said we were FABULOUS and we came off stage on Thursday night on a high. We are happy that we do not need to rehearse any more, but also a little sad that it is all over.

On Monday we had a small break from FAME when Angus Gaillie, a Senior Mechanical Engineer from The Royal Observatory of Scotland, came into speak to us. We had lots of questions about his job and we loved hearing about the parts he has designed for telescopes that are going into space.

Today we had a reflective reading event for parents, This was a nice way to end the week as we were working in pairs and had the chance to share our learning with family.

Have a lovely weekend, most of us intend to sleep 😉

P7a and Mrs Newton


P3B goes farming and 80’s disco dancing!

This week we had a very interesting visit from Mrs Jess Findlay, a retired farmer who works for the Royal Highland Education Trust.  She gave us a presentation all about her life on the farm and the crops that she grew.  We learned about wheat, barley and oats.  She brought samples of the actual crops so that we could touch and smell them.  We also saw what happened to them once they had been cut and processed through the combine harvester and discussed what the resulting grains could be made into.  She then showed us a poster about the different breeds of cows and explained that some are reared for producing milk and others are reared for producing meat.   She also brought in a huge carrot from her farm and explained that it would keep much longer than one bought from the supermarket as it was covered in earth.  The earth keeps the carrot cool so it lasts much longer than the washed ones we can buy in the supermarket.

In grammar we have been learning about past, present and future verbs. We learned that we could use “Uncle Ed” to help us write or identify a verb in the past tense.  The verb would end in “ed”.

In writing we used our class novel to help us write an imaginative story.  The story had to have a character who was sad at the start of the story and then something had to happen to them to make them happy at the end.  We worked with our learning partners to brainstorm lots of different ideas of what might make our character happy and added this to our writing plan.

To coincide with the school show “Fame” we all dressed up in costumes from the 80’s.  It was tiggerrific seeing everyone all dressed up during the school fashion parade in the hall.  Each class took a turn of walking the “catwalk” to model their costumes.  We then all took part in a “Jane Fonda” workout which involved us completing a dance exercise routine.  She was very fast, so we all had to move very quickly.  We were all tired out at the end and needed a rest before returning back to the classroom.  We then learned about what it was like to live in the 80’s by looking at the different types of clothing people wore, the music and bands they listened to, what cars and technology looked like. We also looked at the different TV shows and toys children played with.  We were amazed that we still play with some of the toys today and also the size of a mobile phone.  It was ginormous compared to the phones we have today and could only be used to answer calls.  The phone battery only lasted a few hours and the phone could not take pictures, play music or send text messages etc.  We loved watching some of the TV shows and cartoons from the 80’s.  Our favourite one is the adventures of Mr Ben.  To complete our day, we also learned some dances from the 80’s with our favourite being “Push pineapple” by the band Agadoo!

Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s

Lost in the Toy Museum and Aliens Love Underpants in P2A

It has been another busy week in P2A where we have been learning non-stop. Please have a look at what we have been doing in our play based learning this week…

In Literacy we have looked at magic ‘e’ and some of us have been revising our common words. We have been learning more about ‘o-e’ and remembering the sound that this makes in words. We watched an Alphablocks clip to remind us of ‘o-e’. We enjoyed watching and listening to all the sounds. Some of us went on a common words scavenger hunt. We had fun looking for all the words around the infants area. Some of us enjoyed making words using the magnetic letters in the glitter. The wand came in very handy when we were making them! In our short read we completed an activity called Jigsaw Jumble. We listened to the Aliens Love Underpants audiobook. We then had to rearrange the sentences from the book so that they made sense. We worked well as a team to do this. This week we were learning to write a recount. This is where you retell a story in your own words. We read a book called ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’. We liked the character called Bunting who was in charge of all the toys in the museum. We had to identify what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story. We also tried to include a joining word. Some of us challenged ourselves and tried to use different joining words. There were even pieces of our writing that included phrases that were said in the story.

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been looking at time durations. We have been working out what the time would be one hour after any given time. We learned that there are 60 minutes in an hour. We have used our learning about writing analogue and digital time to be able to do this. Some of us could say how many minutes were in half an hour and a quarter of an hour. We also started our Money topic this week where we added coins to 20. We discussed when we have used money, what kind of money we know about and why we use money. We watched a fun money song and played a coins game to help us with this.

For our IDL topic we were learning to demonstrate basic problem solving skills using simple programs. To help us with this we used a programmable toy called Earl. We learned what the words debug and algorithm mean. We then looked at what functions Earl had. In groups we went around different mats programming Earl to a place we wanted him to go to. When he didn’t go to the right place we had to identify the problem then solve it. We call this debugging. We had lots of fun using Earl and we think he might be making an appearance in our classroom again next week!

On Thursday it was World Book Day. Lots of us dressed up as characters from a book we had read. We discussed our favourite books in class, our favourite places to read and our favourite book characters. We also designed our own bookmarks and designed new underpants for the alien from ‘Aliens Love Underpants’. We even had an author visit and had a mystery reader come into our class who Miss Muir knew very well!

Thank you to the parents who were also able to come to our BEAR event this morning. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

We hope you have a lovely weekend. See you next week.

P2A and Miss Muir 🙂

80s Mad in P3A!

A different week in P3A this week, we had a ball on 80s day!  It was great fun seeing everyone dressed up.  We learned about life in the 80s – the music, fashion, technology, tv shows, films, toys and cars.  The children were most surprised by TVs that were box shaped and you had to change the channel by pushing buttons on the box,  they were also amazed at mobile phones that were huge and had no screens – although some did say they thought their grandparent’s might still have a phone like that 😉  In groups we compared the 80s to now – some great discussion and super work on our ‘graffiti wall’ sheets.

We also played some 80s board games – Guess Who? was a big hit, we danced to 80s music and learned some new moves including the moonwalk and the actions to Agadoo!  We had a snack of cheese, pineapple and picked onions on cocktail sticks – the onions didn’t go down too well but we enjoyed the cheese and pineapple.

A brought in her mum’s Brownie uniform from the 80s – a real trip down memory lane for Mrs Kennedy!  The girls didn’t think it was a very good outfit as it was too thin and didn’t look very comfortable or easy to run about in – Thank you for bringing it in A.

Here are a few photo’s of us in our 80s outfits 🙂

On Wednesday we had a visit from Jess, a retired farmer who gives talks for the Royal Highland Education Trust.  She told us about the dairy cows on her farm and taught us about wheat, barley and oats.  She brought some samples we could look at close up and examples of what the grains are made into.  She also brought a huge carrot from one of her fields and a carrot from the supermarket.  We did a taste test on each and most of us preferred the taste of the large carrot.  We did a little bit of data handling to display our results.

We also had a lovely bit of news from I this week,  she received a Blue Peter Badge for sending in the picture of the Queensferry Crossing she made at school along with a written piece about the problems the ice had been causing recently and that engineers were working to solve the issues.  They wrote back to I saying they had heard about the problems in the news.  They liked her design and letter so much that they sent her a Blue Peter Badge – she can now get into lots of places free until she is 18 years old!  Well done, a great achievement.

In other work we have been learning about past, present and future verbs, writing more imaginative stories and are now coming to the end of our subtraction topic in maths before moving onto multiplication.

It is book week next week and we’ll be doing lots of book themed lessons.  If anyone would like to pop in to read to us at anytime please let me know – any members of the family are welcome 🙂 We’re looking forward to more dressing up and another busy week ahead 🙂

P3A and Mrs Kennedy



Pancakes, a pet sale and 80’s day in P1B

What a jam packed week we’ve had this week!

On Tuesday and Wednesday we made and tasted pancakes.

In Phonics this week we learned about the trigraph – igh, we learnt that this usually goes in the middle of words like light, might, fight. However, sometimes words break the rules, such as high and sigh.

We also learnt the other way to make this sound: -y, as in try, fly, cry.

It can be tricky to know which one to use. We played an action game you could try at home to help us to practice. If it’s an igh word, make a triangle with your hands, if it’s a –y word make a y (like in the YMCA!). Try it with these words:

bright, shy, try, light

In numeracy we continued our work with the number fact families. We are doing well with this but some of us are getting tricked by the + and – signs, we need to look at the sum carefully.

In Money this week we read a book called The Great Pet Sale. We loved making our own Pet Sale with our soft toys, and using coins to buy and sell them to our friends. Here’s a clip of the story:

We LOVED 80’s day! We watched P6/7 perform one of their songs from Fame, had a go at a 80’s dance routine, listened to stories from the 80’s and took part in a fashion show!

Admin for next week:

Thursday – World Book Day! Please send children in their assembly costume (or send it in a bag to change into) as we are having a dress rehearsal in the afternoon for P1-4 (we will try our best to keep our costumes clean!)

Friday – Please send children to school in their assembly costume

BEAR (Be Excited About Reading) event 9-10 in our classroom

10-10.30am Class assembly in the school hall

Love P1B and Mrs Bell x

Ps, apologies for the lack of photos – it isn’t letting me upload as the blog is full. I (think!) I have managed to upload some photos to Seesaw 🙂 

Our Assembly and 80’s day in P4B

Yet another busy week in P4B, culminating in our assembly yesterday. Our assembly was on the Vikings and we split into groups of 4 and researched an aspect of Viking life. We then presented our power points in the assembly. Mrs.Burton thought we did brilliantly and worked really well in our groups of 4. We learnt a lot from this work and enjoyed presenting it to the school and our parents. I think you will agree, they did brilliantly. Great costumes as well. Thank you for all your help and thank you to Mrs.H for your great job on the face paints.
On Thursday we really enjoyed our 80’s day and yet again made a fantastic job of dressing up. We got to show off our costumes in a fashion show in the hall and also did a Jane Fonda workout. We learnt about various aspects of life in the 80’s including the cars, inventions, fashions, toys and music. We then researched one of these in more depth. We loved discussing which toys we still play with now, as well as which games and which tv programmes.

In our writing this week, we continued our block on instruction writing. We listened to the story of “A Disgusting Sandwich” and then wrote instructions on how to make our own disgusting sandwich. We had some revolting ingredients but did really well.

We had our first hockey session this week, with Fraser and really enjoyed it. We learnt how to hold the hockey stick and how to balance the ball on it. Then how to manoeuvre the ball around cones. Very impressive skills.

In Maths we continued with our block on money. We continued to work out amounts and what notes and coins would be needed and then what change we would get from certain amounts. Next week we will go onto fractions.

Hope you all have a great weekend. Photos to follow.
From P4B and Mrs.Burton

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