Paragraphs, Poetry and Places of Interest (P3A)

In Numeracy this week we have been learning to divide by 3. We have been using our multiplication facts for the 3 times-table to help us with our division. Some of us have also been learning to divide by 2, 4, 5 and 10 and some of us have been learning to divide by 6 and 8.

In Mathematics, we have been learning to answer questions to get information from different charts and tables. We were able to collect data using tally marks in a frequency table and then answer questions about the data. We also looked at bar graphs and compared data.

In Literacy we have been revising using paragraphs. We looked at a non-fiction text about frogs and in pairs, highlighted where each new paragraph should be. Afterwards, we worked with a partner to create a poster explaining how and when to use paragraphs. We included information such as using paragraphs to group ideas, to make texts easier to read and organise text. Our paragraph posters will be displayed at our writing area to help people to use paragraphs in their writing.

During writing this week we looked at poetry. We looked at features of acrostic poems and then we came up with lots of words and phrases associated with litter. Afterwards we used these words and phrases to create each line in our acrostic poem ‘Do Not Litter’. On Wednesday we created ‘Presentation Perfect’ final drafts of our poems and illustrated our ideas.

Before the rain came on Wednesday, we went outside to play team games for PE. We were able to follow rules and adopt different roles. On Thursday afternoon, we continued our Fitness sessions. We worked positively with others to use equipment safely and we worked on improving our own levels of fitness.

In Art this week we explored using charcoal to create line, shapes and shading in pictures. We looked at two buildings in our local area, the Burgh Halls and St. Michael’s Church. We discussed the shapes and the lines that we could see in the buildings and then we observed and sketched the buildings using our charcoal. Afterwards we added shading. We were very pleased with our images!

Thank you for reading our blog post,

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Pupil Achievements

We’ve had a flurry of pupil achievements this week. Please enjoy reading all of the successes below:

– Well done to our school football team who performed brilliantly at the George Allan event last Sunday and also at a schools’ event at Herriot Watt this week. You are all champions!

-An amazing effort from our school netball team who won the  West Lothian schools’ league competition this week! You superstars!

-A group of our P6 children have achieved success in a recent writing and art competition run by Burgh Beautiful! We are so proud of you all!

-Two of our girls have had their work published in the Marches Magazine and we couldn’t be more pleased for them! How amazing!

As always, we are extremely proud of all of our children (and our staff too!)

Happy weekend!

Miss Baillie x💖💫

P3B Mind Mapping, Planning and Measuring

Another busy week in P3B.  On Tuesday we were learning about how to use medicine safely.  We identified when it is ok to use medicine and the benefits that medicine can have as well as thinking about situations when taking medicine may be harmful, such as taking medicine that isn’t for you and not under the supervision of a trusted adult.  We were given lots of different scenarios that we could encounter, e.g., you find a jar of pills with the lid off, what should you do?  We were all very sensible and had lots of great advice to make sure we did the right thing.  After our discussions we wrote down at least three golden rules when it comes to medicine.

In our Social Studies Local Area topic we have decided to begin a campaign to reduce the amount of litter that is dropped in our school grounds.  We want to get the whole school involved as it the responsibility of all to look after our local environment.  On Tuesday we learned about mind maps – what they are good for and how to make them.  We worked in pairs to make mind maps outlining our ideas for the campaign.  There were lots of really good suggestions.  We have also spoken to Mrs Hutton who spends a lot of time in our outdoor areas and asked her for her opinion on the problem areas.  The pitch, trim trail and outdoor classroom seem to be the worst areas.  On Friday we went to look at these areas and write down ways to target them.

We have been learning about minibeasts with Mrs McVay over the past couple of weeks.  This week we had a ladybug ball – made masks and sang songs.

In Music with Ms Bain we have been writing a song about reduce, reuse and recycle and she even recorded us singing this week!

We completed and presented the powerpoints we have been making to convince the Simpsons to move to Linlithgow.   We were not short of ideas for things to do in and around town.  The Leisure Centre, Loch and Palace featured in quite a few.  We have been reminded how lucky we are to live in such a lovely place.

In numeracy and maths we have been multiplying 2-digit numbers by 2, 3 and 4 and some have begun dividing.  In outer maths we learned about capacity this week.  We had three stations which we each visited throughout the lesson.  We played computer games where we had to read the amount of liquid in a container using the scale on the side.  We completed capacity question sheets and practised estimating and measuring  using water, beakers, spoons and jugs.  It was a busy lesson and everyone was very engaged.

Thank you for reading our blog, have a great weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Mind maps, Litter and Capacity (P3A)

In Numeracy this week we have been revising our multiplication facts for the 3, 4 and 5 times-tables, multiplying multiples of 10 and multiplying a 2-digit number by 2, 3 and 4. Some of us have also been dividing by 3, multiplying by 7 and revising all of our multiplication facts and strategies. Next week we will start work on division.

This week we looked at recording measurements of capacity using litres and millilitres. We worked in groups and rotating round different measuring activities. We played a game called ‘Drip and Drag’ on the laptops, practised reading scales and estimated and measured the capacity of different containers.

In Literacy we looked at illustrating part of a story that we enjoyed. We looked at the role of an illustrator and then we drew a scene or part of a story that we enjoyed, using either our class novel or a reading book from home. Once we had finished our pictures, we described what was happening in our pictures and why we chose to draw that part of the story.

This week we also looked at mind-mapping. We explored and discussed examples of mind maps and then we worked in pairs to create a mind map to highlight our ideas for our litter campaign. On Wednesday, we reviewed our mind maps and made an action plan with the help of Miss Harrison. After we had decided what needs to be done, we worked in pairs to make persuasive posters for our litter campaign. Over the next few weeks we will be encouraging others to care for their environment.

In Health this week, we learned how to use medicines safely. We listened to a story called ‘How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?’ and we discussed times where we felt unwell and how we got better. Miss Harrison spoke to us about keeping safe around medicines and then we looked at ‘What Should I Do If’ scenario cards in groups. Using what we had learned, we worked in pairs to write down three golden rules for keeping safe around medicines.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx


Theatre School Achievements!

We have a number of children who attend theatre school in their spare time and have recently been in different performances. Well done to the following:

-E  and I in P3 for being the Woodcutter and The Queen of Hearts in a recent theatre show.

-A brilliant effort from A in P6 who performed in role as a ‘judge’ and M in P1 who also had a part in the performance. Great effort everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

Litter and Our Local Area (P3A)

What a busy week we have had in P3A!

In Numeracy we have been learning to multiply by 3 and 4. We have been recalling our multiplication facts and we have been using our times-tables knowledge to solve missing number sums. We have also created our own board games using our multiplication facts and we have made multiplication flowers. Some of us have been learning to multiply multiples of 10 by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 and some of us have been learning to multiply 2-digit numbers by a single digit.

This week we have also been learning to estimate and measure using centimetres. We estimated the lengths of different objects and then measured their lengths using a ruler. We also drew lines of different lengths. Some of us were estimating and measuring using half centimetres too.

Last week we came in to our classroom and it was covered in litter! In Literacy, we learned to talk about our opinions about litter. We looked at different photos of litter and we discussed how the photos made us feel. This week, we wrote persuasive writing pieces on littering. We looked at examples of persuasive writing and highlighted words used to influence the reader. We also looked at using a title to grab the reader’s attention and how to use sentence openers to state our opinions. Using our notes, we wrote persuasive pieces of writing about litter.

In French we are now learning to name clothes and accessories. We watched a programme on High Five French about clothes, played games on our Promethean board and then in pairs, drew pictures of people and labelled their clothes using French vocabulary.

This week we have been learning about our local area. On Tuesday afternoon we worked in groups to make maps of Linlithgow. On our maps we included our school, Play Bugs, Linlithgow Leisure Centre, the train station and Linlithgow Palace. Afterwards, we helped EaRL (a programming robot) to navigate around Linlithgow by giving him a set of instructions. Sometimes EaRL got a bit lost so we had to evaluate our instructions, fix the problem and suggest improvements. We really enjoyed using EaRL and we have already been showing some Primary 1 and Primary 2 children how to use EaRL in our Primary 3 Play Leader time.

This week we also looked at leisure facilities in Linlithgow. Miss Harrison explained to us that a family were wanting to move to Linlithgow but they wanted to find out what there was to do in Linlithgow before making a final decision. We named places of interest in Linlithgow and then we worked in groups to create PowerPoints about leisure facilities and things to do in Linlithgow. We shared our presentations with another group.

In Health this week we explored transition and change. We listened to a story called ‘Silly Billy’ and we discussed his worries. Some of us had said to Miss Harrison that we were a bit worried about moving on to Primary 4 so we completed an activity where we looked at what would stay the same and what would change in Primary 4. Afterwards, we discussed our feelings about moving into Primary 4 and what we could do if we were feeling worried.

In Art this week we looked at representing objects by creating detailed images, shapes and lines. We looked at photographs of Linlithgow High Street and we discussed the shapes and lines that we could see in the buildings. We used paper tearing to create our buildings and then we used different lines to add detail and effects. We were really pleased with our results.

Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

STEM Week in P3B

When I asked the children today what they would like me to include in our blog this week there was a resounding  cry for coding.  We had a session with Generation Science called ‘Bricks and Blocks’ On Wednesday. We learned about computer programming. We began by discussing robots and how they work, we learned that they are given their instructions by computers.  To help us to understand the importance of instructions a bit more, we instructed a human robot to make a jam sandwich.  If our instructions are not correct, the results can be very wrong!   We then worked in pairs to build Lego robots, learning more about  coding as we worked.   We used instruction blocks to program our robots. Our challenge was to score a goal against our robots which were programmed to be goalkeepers. A big thank you to Generation Science for an excellent session.

We also carried out a science experiment.  We discussed why science experiments are a very important part of our world today, the children mentioned medicine and looking after our planet as two big areas where science can really make a difference,  We were very professional in the way we carried out our water absorption experiment.  Our question was ‘How does the type of paper affect how far water will travel through it?’  We observed and discussed the properties of the three types of paper – kitchen towel, A4 paper and tissue paper, then we each wrote a hypothesis on how far we thought the water might travel up each paper when the end was placed in water for 30 seconds.  We planned the resources we would need made a diagram of how our experiment would look, making sure to note down anything we had to keep the same to make sure it was a fair experiment.  We then we carried out the experiment in groups.  Finally, we measured the distance the water had travelled and used our findings to write up and record the results.  We found that the kitchen towel was most absorbent and the type of material definitely has an impact.

In our writing lesson this week we used the notes we wrote before and during our experiment to write a science report.  They are detailed reports, set out with headings and sub-headings.  We used some good science vocabulary too.  We  all self assessed our writing today.

In numeracy we have begun to increase our knowledge and understanding of multiplication.  We have worked on 2, 5 and 10 times tables this week, and some children worked on 3 and 4 times tables.  We have been quite active whilst saying our tables – getting our brains and bodies working at the same time and have also played lots of games to help us to recall our tables facts.

Some children have been practising their tables in Play Based Learning time.  Excellent work girls!

We begun to look at fitness in PE.  We had one fitness session outside and one inside this week.  We did circuit training, working really hard at each station to increase our heart rate.  Each station also worked on a different skill and a different part of our body.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone, see you on Wednesday.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy



STEM, Multiplication and our Class Assembly (P3A)

This week it was STEM Week in P3A!

As part of STEM Week, we carried out an experiment on water absorption. We explored the investigation question; ‘Does the type of paper affect how far water will travel through it?’ We discussed what we were going to find out and planned our experiment. On our notes, we listed resources and things that we were going to keep the same to keep our experiment fair. We drew diagrams and then we made a hypothesis. On Wednesday we carried out our experiment. We found out that the type of paper has a big effect on how far water travels through it.

In Literacy, we learned how to write a scientific report using our experiment notes. We used a title, the correct layout, included a diagram and used scientific vocabulary. We enjoyed being scientists!

On Wednesday afternoon we went to ‘Bricks and Blocks’ by Generation Science. We learned about computer programming. We started our session by talking about robots. We learned that robots do jobs we can’t do and that they require special instructions via computers. To practise giving instructions, we instructed a human robot to make a jam sandwich! Our instructions had to be clear, precise and in the correct order. Afterwards, we learned about computer programming. We worked in pairs to build Lego robots and we used instruction blocks to program our robots. Our challenge was to score a goal against our robots which were programmed to be goalkeepers! We really enjoyed our session with Generation Science.

In Numeracy we have started multiplication. Some of us were learning the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables, some of us were learning the 3 and 4 times-tables and some of us were learning the 8 and 6 times-tables. We have been using arrays to practise our multiplication facts and we have been playing lots of times-table games to improve our mental recall.

On Friday it was our class assembly. We were leaders in our learning and we made the decision to deliver an assembly on Endangered Animals. We worked in groups and selected an endangered animal to research. Using digital technology, we created presentations about our animals, including videos. On Friday we presented our assembly to the whole school and our families and friends. We spoke confidently and clearly and did a fantastic job of sharing our learning. Miss Harrison was extremely proud of us.

Thank you very much for reading our weekly blog. We hope that you have a lovely long weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

P3B Outdoor Fun!

We started the week finishing off our social studies history trail.  We have been learning about the development of cameras throughout different periods in history.  As part of the project we worked in pairs to create a powerpoint presentation to present to children in P3A.  Each week we added a slide showing our new learning, building up to a complete presentation. P3A have been doing a similar project although they studied computers.  On Monday we shared our work with p3A. During the presentations, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Harrison were able to listen in  and observe each group to assess their learning and understanding.  We were very impressed.  The powerpoints were very professional, the content was good and the children were great at both presenting and listening to each other’s presentations.

On Tuesday we spent most of the day outdoors.  We had an outdoor learning trip in the morning.  We walked to Linlithgow Loch where we were met by two West Lothian rangers.  They taught us about animals that are found in our local environment.  One of the rangers, Hannah, set up an animal hunt where we had to find a toy animal hidden in the trees.  Each time we found one, Hannah told us a lot of information about it.  We learned about: Squirrels, Badgers, Bats, Spiders, Rabbits, Foxes and Otters.

The other ranger was called Tracy, she played a game with us where we had had to find three cards representing food, shelter and water – all the things animals need to survive.  She then sent in ‘predators’ to catch us as we were trying to find the cards we needed.  We then did an animal footprint activity.  We were given an information sheet with a picture and some details about each animal, we had to find the footprint cards hung on trees and match the footprints to the correct animal – this was not as easy as it sounds!

We really enjoyed this outdoor session and were very lucky with the weather.  It helped us to enjoy what we have just on our doorstep.

On Tuesday afternoon we had a visit to the park as our treat for collecting ‘springs’ for our houses.  We went with P3A and everyone had a great time 🙂

On Wednesday this week we drew some spring flowers and painted them using watercolours.  We were looking closely at shape and colour, trying to make our work as accurate as possible to what we could see.  To get the correct colours we used mixing palettes.  This was a nice opportunity just to practise drawing and painting, the work wasn’t for display and we could try as many times as we liked.

We enjoyed our walk to St Michael’s this morning, again the weather was very kind to us. We took part in a lovely Easter Service. A big thank you to our parent helpers.

Well done P3 for continuing to work incredibly hard right up to the end of a very long term.  I hope everyone has a good break and I’m looking forward to all that we will do in the summer term.

Thanks for reading our blog, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Outdoor Learning in P3A

In Numeracy and Mathematics we revised using a written method to subtract 2-digit numbers. Some of us also used addition and subtraction strategies to solve word problems. This week we also revised using coins to pay for items and give change. Some of us were also learning to use notes to make money totals and to give change from £10. Next term we will be learning about multiplication and division, fractions, measure and information handling.

In Literacy we continued to learn about how to use adjectives. With a partner, we looked at different pictures and wrote down adjectives to describe them. Next we looked at using adjectives to make sentences more interesting. Finally, we used the laptops to sign in to Education City and Miss Harrison added some adjectives games on to our My Cities.

This week we shared our presentations about how computers have developed and changed over time with P3B. We were confident with sharing our learning and we learned about how cameras have developed over time from P3B.

This week we continued to learn ways to keep safe and secure online. At the start of our lesson, we worked in groups to draw or write about what we already knew about online gaming. Afterwards, we watched a video about playing games. We explored examples of personal information and learned how important it is not to share this. At the end of our lesson, we discussed the difference between a secret and a surprise and we identified adults that can help us if we ever have a problem online.

On Wednesday afternoon, we had a special visitor in P3A. KM’s grandad came in to talk to us about the building trade. He brought in lots of props and he talked to us about all the stages and equipment involved in building a house. We have been learning about materials with Mrs Begarnie so it was fantastic to learn about these in a real life context. Thank you to Rab for coming in to visit us!

On Tuesday afternoon, we went with P3B to Dovecot Park as part of our House Points/Springs rewards system. We had a lovely time playing at the park.

On Tuesday morning we went to Linlithgow Loch for some outdoor learning. We learned what animals need to survive and we played a water, food and shelter game. Afterwards, we completed a tracks and trails challenge. We followed a trail of footprints and we used pictures and clues to match them to the correct animal. Finally, we learned about red squirrels, otters, spiders, badgers, wild rabbits, bats, tawny owls and red foxes. We enjoyed learning outside and Miss Harrison was pleased with our behaviour.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that everyone has a happy and safe Easter break.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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