P3B Week commencing 11th November 2019

As Monday was the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we all attended the special Remembrance Day assembly to learn about what it means and why we wear poppies. Then at 11am at the eleventh hour all the classes stopped working to take part in the two minutes silence to show our respect.

On Tuesday we all went to the hall to listen to Mrs Hocknull read the story about the Stick Man, written by Julia Donaldson. After listening to the story, we then had a discussion to “brainstorm” our ideas of what we would like to put into the play areas outside the classroom to change the area from construction to the Stick Man. We managed to come up with lots of different suggestions so we will now begin to change the area over the next few weeks.

We then linked the story of the Stick Man to our writing where we looked at how cartoon strips are made using different pictures, speech and though bubbles together with a sort description to tell the story. Using these techniques, we then made our own cartoon strips to tell different parts of the story. The cartoon strips look amazing and we will be using them to create part of the new Stick Man display in the corridor outside the classroom.

In literacy we also continued our work on common nouns and proper nouns. We are getting much better at recognising the difference nouns when writing sentences and when we need to use a capital letter.

In PE we continued to refine our ball and team working skills for playing Bench ball ready for the inter school cluster tournament which we will be taking part in at Linlithgow High School in two weeks time.

In Maths we are continuing to develop our “Number Talk” skills by learning about the different strategies we can use to solve the problems mentally. We are also using these skills to work out the sums during our Big Maths challenge on a Friday morning. During the rest of the week we are continuing to work on adding three-digit and two-digit numbers and looking at adding double numbers.

On Friday we celebrated “Kindness Week” by attending an assembly all about how being kind can make a difference to our lives in school and around the world.

Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s

Stick Man Mad in P3A

We began the week with a Remembrance Day assembly, we took some time to learn about why we have Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies.  In class there was some paint and red paper, card and other art materials for us to make our own poppies at Learning Through Play time.  At 11am the whole school had 2 minutes silence and we were all very sensible and respectful.

In numeracy, we are still adding 2 digit and 3 digit numbers.  On Wednesday, we worked on quick recall of doubles to help us with our mental addition.  We warmed up by rolling a die with a partner and quickly doubling the number shown.  We then used these skills to double larger numbers, e.g. 42+42.  Some children had a very competitive game of ‘Mathopoly’, each space has an addition sum on it and points are given for working out the answer mentally, there were also chance and challenge cards too so sometimes we lost points!

In science we started making our ‘forces’ models.  Each model had to be something in a playground that involves a force.  There are some very good ideas – rope slides using gravity, climbing frames that you need to pull yourself up, swings that you need to use your body to push.  Although these were started on Tuesday with Mrs Begarnie, we have worked on them every day, to finish them so we can present our model to the class next Tuesday.  Lots of great teamwork, discussion, problem solving, negotiation and decision making going on.  Every child can explain their model well and the forces used either by the play equipment and/or the person using it.

For Reflective Reading this week we read a comic strip and answered some comprehension questions with a partner, we had to read carefully to find all the information.  We also had to answer a couple of inference questions where we had to think about how the characters were feeling.

We are changing our infant play area next week and have chosen the Stick Man  by Julia Donaldson as our theme.  Mrs Hocknull read it to all P1 to P3 children and then in our classes we decided what play areas we would like based on the story.  There are some great ideas and teachers will be working with the children next week to get this set up.

Our writing this week was also based on the Stick Man story.  We had to summarise the main points, in the correct order and then create a comic strip.  These are absolutely fantastic, I’m looking forward to putting them on display so everyone can see our hard work.  Everyone was so quiet when were writing and some were asking for quiet music, so we put on the music from Blue Planet.  It was a lovely relaxing afternoon.  Some of us have began to write Further Adventures of Stick Man, creating our own comic strips.

We finished off the week with a lovely assembly all about Kindness.  Have a good weekend, P3A and Mrs Kennedy 🙂



P3B Week commencing Monday 4th November

This week we completed our entries for the P7 School House competition. The P7’s asked us to design new pictures for the four houses Ochiltree, Hopetoun, Champfleurie and Binns. We looked at various pictures of the houses before coming up with our own designs. The winners will be put on display next to the house “sprig” jars in the corridor.

For our enterprise activity P3 took part in the “Shoe Box” appeal. Between the two classes we managed to collect 60 boxes which were picked up by the charity on Wednesday. A tiggerrific thankyou to everyone who sent in a box or handed in items to make one up. The children from around the world will be delighted to receive one at Christmas time.

In Maths this week we were delighted to welcome so many Mums, Dads, Grannies and Grandads to our class to see us learning using our “Number Talks”. After a short introduction by Mr Ritchie we worked in groups at different maths stations to show the different strategies we used to solve the maths problems. We had Solve the Sum, Target Number, Magic Cup Challenge, Playing Card Challenge and Concrete Challenge. The children all enjoyed working with our visitors.

In reading we have been continuing our work using the new resource called “Reflective Reading”. We have been looking at different texts and playing “Blankety Blank” where we have to work out the missing word and then further challenge ourselves by coming up with an alternative word or words that could be used. We have also played “Silly Words” where we have to identify where an incorrect word has been used and work out what the correct word should be.  It is important that when we choose a new word it is still in the context of the story.

In grammar we have been learning about the difference between common and proper nouns. We are trying to remember that we need to use capital letters when we are working with proper nouns.

As part of our outdoor learning we have been looking at the life cycle of an oak tree. We watched a speeded-up video of how an oak tree grows from the seed of an acorn into a spectacular oak tree. We then recorded this information by making an illustrated life cycle diagram. If the weather is better next week, we will be going on an oak tree hunt around the school to see how many we can find.

Mr Ritchie and the Tiggerrific P3B’s

A Busy Week in P3A

Another busy, busy week.  We began the week continuing our grammar work.  Over the past few weeks we have been learning about nouns – proper and common nouns and have been trying to remember to use capital letters when writing a proper noun.

In Science with Mrs Begarnie we furthered our research on forces.  Mrs Begarnie left some forces resources in the classroom for us to use during our ‘Learning Through Play’ time.  We have had great fun making steeper and steeper ramps!  We have also tested different surfaces and tried our which works best to allow our cars to move well.

On Wednesday, we really enjoyed having some parents and other family members in the classroom to see some of our numeracy work.  We worked in groups at different problem solving activities, sharing our strategies and understanding as we talked to each other.

We collected an amazing 60 shoe boxes in our Shoe Box appeal!  They were collected on Wednesday and are now on their way around the world to children less fortunate than us, there are going to be 60 very happy children – a big thanks to Springfield families for supporting this 🙂


We continued our ‘Reflective Reading’ with a ‘Jigsaw Jumble’ on Thursday.  Our activity was based on our Outdoor Learning topic – The Life Cycle of an Oak Tree – (although we didn’t actually get outdoors as the weather was so awful!) We are now really good at explaining the life cycle – ask us!  We worked in groups to sort out sentences that had been cut in half.  This wasn’t as easy as it sounds – we looked for capital letter and full stops to sort the writing into which strips were at the beginning of the sentence and which were endings.  We then had to read really carefully to check which parts went together to make sense, checking tenses and singular and plural words as we worked.  Every single group managed this task really well – all got 7 out of 7 sentences correct!  We had some visitors from Norway in the classroom during this lesson too, they came to visit Springifled as they had heard about all our wonderful children and they were very impressed 🙂

A few weeks ago P7 set us a challenge to design new pictures to put on our school House display.  We looked very closely and the houses – Ochiltree, Hopetoun, Binns and Champfleurie and drew excellent line drawings to submit for the competition.  The winners will be put on display in the corridor.

On Friday, we had another French lesson on fruits, it is always good to revisit these words often so we really remember them.  We played some games on the smartboard, a corners game and a fun ‘line bingo’ game.  Our vocabulary is getting really good.

Have a good weekend everyone, P3A and Mrs Kennedy

Hawaiian Volcanoes and Halloween in P3A

The October holidays are now a distant memory and we have had a busy couple of weeks in P3A.

Last week we learned about the volcanoes on the Hawaiian islands. At the beginning of our geography topic the children planned what they would like to learn about and volcanoes was high on the list.  Actually,  without volcanoes Hawaii wouldn’t exist – the islands emerged from the sea millions of years ago forged by volcanic power.  We studied Kilauea more in depth – it is a volcano on the ‘Big Island’ and has been constantly erupting since 1983.  To help us to understand of how volcanoes work we got some really good information from the Reachout Reporter website –  we use this in class each Friday to watch the latest weekly science news from around the world, the website address is www.reachoutreporter.com it is really worth a look.

Although we couldn’t recreate an actual volcano we did some chemistry and experimented with the reaction between vinegar  and baking soda – creating carbon dioxide and making explosions of our own!  As part of this lesson we learned how to carry out a proper science experiment and we wrote a science report, writing about the equipment, method, possible hazards, prediction, what actually happened and what we learned from it.  It was messy but great fun!

To finish off our Hawaiian topic we researched and produced a final piece of writing.  Our job was to write a tourism leaflet to tell people about the best tourist attractions in Hawaii and to encourage people to go there.  Everyone worked really hard and they are all fantastic – eye-catching front covers, lots of good information, laid out really neatly – well done P3.  They made me really want to visit Hawaii!

One of jobs P3 do each year is to organise the Shoe Box Appeal, we launched this last week and worked in groups to make posters to let the rest of the school know about the appeal.  This week, we visited classrooms and told them about the appeal too.  We were all very confident speaking to other classes and lots of teachers have commented on how well we did 🙂 We have quite a few boxes already, please hand any others in on Monday, 4th November.

In numeracy, we are continuing to learn different methods of adding 2 digit numbers.  We have looked at adding multiples of 10, using this knowledge to add near multiples of 10 (9, 11, 19, 21…)  and how to add  teen numbers to a 2 digit number, by adding the 10 then the unit.  We often use 100 squares to help us, Splat Square is a good online one.  In outer maths we are now learning about information handling.  Next week in homework jotters there will be a numeracy homework sheet for term 2 with suggested activities.

In reading we have been working  on becoming ‘reflective readers.’  At the moment we are working on understanding what we are reading and increasing our vocabulary.  Last week we did an activity called ‘Blankety Blank’ where we read an extract from James and Giant Peach – there were some words missing and we had to fill in the blanks with the correct word and then think of other words that would also make sense.  This week we did a ‘Spot the Silly Word’ activity.  This was based on the book Funnybones.  Mrs Kennedy typed some of the book but she changed some of the words to silly words and we had to spot them, we then had to suggest a sensible word.  These are paired activities and as well as reading there is lots of good discussion about words and their meanings.

The highlight of this week was the Halloween party, we all looked really scary in our costumes.  The party began with a spooky story read by Mr Wells – who really got into character!  We played a team game where we had to make the best mummy using toilet roll and played a spooky corners game.  We then had a snack with our friends.  A big thank you to the PTA for organising the food and drinks and helping on the day.

On Friday, we did some French – learning how to say the names of some fruits.  We do a little French each day, including counting, ordering our lunch, classroom instructions and lots of French songs.  We really do pick up the words quickly!

Also on Friday, P1 came to visit to play a pumpkin game.  We worked in teams, rolling a dice and drawing part of a pumpkin according to the number on the dice.  The winners were the ones who drew all the parts first!  It was a fast and furious game and I was really please with how well P3 showed P1 how to play and they took turns really well.  We had lots of sibling teams too 🙂

Have a great weekend everyone – enjoy any bonfires and fireworks.  Stay safe.

P3A and Mrs Kennedy

P3B Week commencing 7th October 2019

This week in our topic about Hawaii we have been looking at where the islands are located using a map of the world.  We discovered that Hawaii is made up of over 100 islands but it is best known for its main eight.  They are called Kahoolawe, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, Oahu and Hawaii also known as “big island”.  The capital city is called Honolulu and it is situated on Oahu Island which is the most popular with visitors.  We then worked with our learning partners to research the weather and made weather maps using the weather symbols.  We then presented the weather report after the Hawaiian News on the TV.  We had lots of fun role playing as weather reporters and discovering that the weather is very different from Scotland.

In PE we divided ourselves into four teams and played Bench ball on the full sized court.  The winning teams then challenged each other in the final.  We are getting much better at moving and passing the ball around the court.

In maths we have been continuing with our addition by adding a two digit number to a single digit.  Some of our questions were written as word problems so we had to read the questions very carefully to work out the sums.  We are getting much better at using our new square papered jotters to correctly lay out our work.  On Wednesday we also completed our work on symmetry.  After the October break we will be moving onto Data Handling and looking at tally marks, pictographs and bar charts.

In writing this week we looked at creating character profiles.  We chose to create a profile all about Percy the Park Keeper.  We learned how to describe what he looked like, his personality and also wrote a little bit about his life so far in the stories.  We are continuing to work on presentation, writing neatly and trying to improve our spelling and punctuation.

Today we took part in a “BEAR” event – “Be Excited About Reading”.  We all brought our favourite books into school together with our teddies and a cuddly blanket.  We discussed and shared our favourite books in class over a nice cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows.  After the holiday we will be start to become more “reflective readers” by introducing comprehension activities to further develop our reading skills.

We are all now looking forward to having a nice break as we have been working very hard at school.  The time has just flown past!

Have a lovely time over the holidays and we will all meet up again on Tuesday 22nd October ready to start Term 2.

Best wishes,

Mr Ritchie and the Tiggerrific P3B’s.

Hawaii and Hot Chocolate in P3A

I actually took some photographs of maths this week! We are getting really good at using the text books and writing our sums neatly in our jotters.  We are continuing with addition, looking at what happens to the 10s number when adding a 2 digit number to a 1 digit number e.g. 4 + 3 = 7, 14 +3 = 17, 34 + 3 = 37.  Some children were also doing some addition word problems.

In outer maths on Thursday we were organising data using tally  marks and reading the information.  We did a group task and then carried out our own survey’s on our favourite sports – recording the answers in tally marks.  We then used our data to answer questions about it, e.g, which was the most popular sport? How many more people liked football than tennis? We enjoyed doing a survey and we’ll be doing more data handling after the October break.

As we continue our study of Hawaii, we have been learning the names of the islands.  We also compared the weather in Hawaii this week to the weather in Scotland.  We noticed that the temperatures in Hawaii are much higher than scotland and the UV is higher too, however, Hawaii still gets a lot of rain and thunderstorms.  We made our own weather maps and presented a Hawaiian weather report to the class.  We all worked really hard on our maps, writing the names of the islands, temperatures and weather symbols. We also all showed a lot of confidence when presenting in front of the class.

We have been learning about Hawaiian Tikis, these are found in many places in Hawaii, including wooden masks hung on walls and even on jewellery.  Each mask has a different facial expression and has a different purpose. A Tiki mask in a home might be thought to protect people from danger, while another mask might bring good luck.  We had great fun making scary masks to ward off danger or nicer expressions for good luck.

On Friday we had our ‘Be Excited About Reading’ event.  We had a great time reading our books and sharing them with our friends.  The hot chocolate and marshmallows were tasty too!  After the holiday we will begin to increase our reading skills further as we become ‘reflective readers’ through lessons targeting reading comprehension.

What a quick first term!  P3A have worked extremely hard and always give 100%, it is lovely to be teaching such enthusiastic and eager to learn children 🙂

Have a lovely break, see you on 22nd October.

P3A and Mrs Kennedy

P3B Week commencing 30th September

In writing we carried out some research into turtles that are found off the coast of Hawaii. We used this information to make a fact file. We found out that a turtle can hold its breath under the water for 5 hours. They like to eat seagrass, seaweed and algae. When they are born they are 2 inches long and can grow to approximately 5 feet tall. That is almost as big as Mr Ritchie! They hatch out of eggs that are buried in the sand. There are approximately 100 eggs buried at a time.

This week in PE we continued to develop our Bench Ball skills. After warming up with different activities we formed small teams. In our teams we played against one another and tried to score as many points as we could.

In Maths we have been learning how to add and how to write our sums down correctly using our new squared paper jotters. We have also been working on symmetry and found lots of patterns in different animals, particularly in butterflies.

In French this week we learned how to count up to ten. We then used this information to ask each other how old we were and what we were called. We also learned the names for different colours of the rainbow.

In Science we learned about the different planets in the solar system. We learned their names, their orbits and how they travel around the sun. We also learned the names of some of the dwarf planets.

In reading we read about sharks that swim in the ocean off Hawaii. We then completed a comprehension activity to check what we had learned about them. We learned that baby sharks are called pups and they swim in a school. There are over 500 different spices of shark. Some of the species are called bull sharks, tiger sharks, great white and hammerhead sharks. If a shark stops swimming it will die because the water will remain in its gills, so it needs to keep moving to breath.

Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s

Sea Turtles and Sharks in P3A

Following on from our beautiful artwork last week, we have been doing more research on the green sea turtle.  On Monday we did some ‘reading for information’ where we read a passage about green sea turtles and wrote notes on what they look like, where they live and what they eat.  We then used netbooks to find some other interesting facts and took notes on these too.  On Tuesday we used our notes to write fact files about green sea turtles.  We worked hard on our research skills, reading for information is quite new to us and we had to read carefully to find the information we needed.  At the end of the week we did a reading comprehension on sharks.  A lot of us are really interested in sharks and enjoyed finding out more about them.  Again, we had to look closely for words and clues to help us answer the questions. Good work P3A!

In numeracy, we are continuing to learn addition facts to 20.  We have also been reading word problems and translating them into written sums in our jotters.  We have begun doing short ‘Number Talks’ most days, these are mental maths exercises to improve our number sense and to help us  to solve calculations quickly.  We each try to solve the problem in our heads, then we talk with others in the class, explaining our thinking and sharing strategies. There are a few hand signals that we use during number talks sessions and we have enjoyed putting these into practise.

Number Talks Hand Signals in English and Spanish

In French, we continued to practise greetings.  We have been learning:

  • salut – hi
  • bonjour – hello
  • ça va? – how are you
  • ça va mal – I’m not so good
  • ça va bien – I’m good
  • pas mal – not bad
  • bonsoir – good evening
  • bonne nuit – goodnight
  • au revoir – goodbye

We played pairs and snap, matching the phrases to pictures.  It was good fun and it made us say the words a lot 🙂

Our House Captains led the assembly on Friday and they taught us a little about each of our houses – Binns, Ochiltree, Hopetoun and Champfleurie.  It was interesting finding out about the real houses.  They also launched a competition for us to draw pictures of the houses, the winners will have their picture displayed in the school corridor.  We will do our pictures in class after the October break.

Have a good weekend everyone, from P3A and Mrs Kennedy


P3B Week commencing 23rd September 2019

This week in PE we continued to develop our Bench Ball skills.  After warming up with different passing and ball catching activities we formed small teams.  In our teams we played against one another and tried to score as many points as we could.  We are getting much better at moving around the court and passing the ball to each other.

In writing we wrote stories based on our class novels about Percy the Park Keeper.  We used the story about the animal’s tree being damaged in the big storm as a base to discuss how a story is written.  We learned that it has to have a beginning, middle and end together with a setting and characters.  Some of us took up the challenge set the Badger to introduce some new characters and also come up with a new adventure involving Percy and his animal friends.

In Maths we all received our new square papered jotters and learned how to write and lay out or work in them.  The jotters are very different to the workbooks we have been used to so we have been taking extra care to keep our sums neat and tidy.  We have started looking at addition and have started to write out our sums using the textbooks.  It is quite tricky but we are getting there!

In art this week we have been looking at some of the different wildlife found in Hawaii.  We looked closely at the Green turtles found in the water around the islands.  We looked at the different patterns on the shells and then used oil pastels to create our own turtle designs.  When we finished drawing them we then painted round them with a blue paint wash to make them look as if they are swimming in the sea.  They look amazing so we are all looking forward to start making our Hawaiian Island display.

On Friday to celebrate Modern Languages Day the assembly was conducted by the Language Ambassadors.  They taught us how to sing in French, German and Spanish!

Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s







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