We began a new topic in numeracy this week as we move onto multiplication. To help us to understand the concept of multiplication we created arrays so we had physical representation of what multiplication actually is. We used lots of resources to make our arrays – Numicon, stones, Lego, counters, to name a few. We also have a some tuff trays set up in the classroom to allow us to practise during our learning through play time. We revisited counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, counting both up and down. We will be practising the 3 and 4 times tables next week. If you would like to do some at home, Education City website would be good for this – www.educationcity.com
We made an array wall display, making the windows on buildings into arrays. We made sure our rows and columns were straight! They look really effective, good job everyone.
We continued with imaginative writing this week. As we enjoyed watching Mr Benn during 80s day, we wrote our own Mr Benn adventures. We chose what he would become and where he would go as he went through the fitting room door. There were lots of great ideas, he became and dog walker, a soldier, a driller on an oil rig, a scientist and a zoo keeper… to name a few! The children are really beginning to check their common words using our word wall display and the word mats they have on their tables, these have improved a lot recently which is great to see. Through imaginative writing our descriptions have become more detailed and a lot of us are using joining words to make our sentences more interesting. Some children are beginning to learn how to use speech marks too.
Our Reflective Reading task was a ‘Blankety Blank’ on a non-fiction text called ‘Wild Weather’ We read the book together and then read extracts taken from the book with words missing. We filled in the missing words and then suggested other words that would fit to help expand our vocabulary. Good collaborative work, reading aloud and discussing vocabulary really helped our learning.
In French we have been learning months of the year, we are really good at it now – ask us to see if we remember
Have a good weekend everyone. P3A and Mrs Kennedy