P1a’s weekly news

This week we have been learning all about the oo and ew digraphs as in good and new.  We learnt that oo is mainly found in the middle of words and ew at the end (but not always…). Look how many words we managed to write independently!

We also learnt 2 new common words her and of. We have learnt so many common words that we really need to keep practising them at home. It would be good to do lots of reading and writing activities with common words. You could try things like pick a few that you find hard and make snap cards with those words. You could try the look, say, cover, write, check process for those you find hard to write. Or you may want to try this game, pick year 1 – tricky 1


In  numeracy we did some revision of our number bonds to 10 to see how well we could recall them. Lots of us can manage but only when using our fingers. It would be great to get to the stage where we just automatically know that 8 + 2=10 etc. We did lots of practise with numicon too.

Have a wee practise with this song at home, and see if an adult or an older sibling can test you!

As part of our transport topic we had a special visitor called Bob the Train Driver. Bob took us on a Magic Train Ride with our magic ticket. It was very exciting! After we visited lots of different lands on our train we had to think of the land we would like to visit and draw what we saw out the train window. This was our plan for writing, and the next day we wrote about what we had seen when we visited a land. Some of us went to Fairyland, Candyland, Under the Sea Land, Star Wars land and even the Bat Cave! Mrs Gordon was very impressed with our writing. Most of us even managed to add and as a connective to make our sentences more exciting. Next week we are going to redesign our role play corner to have a transport theme…

Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a


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