- A Sailor went to sea
- Fuzzy Wuzzy
- John Kanakanaka
Tag Archives: Home Learning 2020
Expressive Arts – Primary One
- Queen, Queen Caroline
- Cowboy Joe
- A Sailor went to sea
- Early in the morning (postman song!!) – you could use a saucepan and wooden spoon instead of a drum for this!
- Old Mr Woodpecker
Primary One-French
It has been lovely to see some paintings of rainbows on Twitter. If you create your own rainbows at home, add them to Twitter and your P1 teachers can see them. You can also use Education City, (parents, you’ll find it under subjects- French) to learn the rainbow song- L-Arc-en-Ciel.
P3 Blog Home Learning Activities :)
P3 Blog Home Learning Activities
Hi everyone!
We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. We have prepared lots of activities that you can dip in and out of as much or as little as you like. There are activities for every curricular area on this Blog, but please know this is even more than we would be able to fit in to a school week. Hence why this is a choice as to what you would like to work on. We have kept the learning very active and game-based, as well as including links to online games and videos.
Comment below and let us know how you are getting on!
Thanks for your support,
P3 Teachers.
P3 Literacy (Reading and Writing) Activities – Week beginning 23rd March 2020
Choose from the books that you have at home and choose any of these Reading Bingo activities below:
Read on your couch | Read to a pet or sibling | Read your favourite book | Read someone else’s favourite book (someone in your house) | Read while eating a snack |
Read by the window | Read for 20 minutes | Read on a weekend day | Read a fairytale | Read in your jammies
Read a book about animals | Read in your garden | Read to a stuffed animal/teddy | Read on a picnic rug (you could have a teddy bear’s picnic!) | Read with a torch, in the dark |
Read for 30 minutes | Read a non-fiction book | Read under the covers | Read for 15 minutes
Read out loud |
Read to a family member | Read a rhyming book | Read in bed | Reading wearing a costume | Read to someone over the phone
Remember try and get BINGO by getting 5 in a row, column or diagonal!
Choose from any of the Writing Bingo activities below:
Write 5 words the describe you | Write 5 words the describe someone in your home | Write about the best holiday or trip that you have ever had | Make a list of all of the things you can see in your bedroom | Write about your favourite memory from school and ask an adult to the same – compare them |
Write a story about the funniest thing that has ever happened to you | Write a letter to someone in a different house to you (include your address so that they can write back!) | Write a diary in your bed at night, do it in the dark with a torch! | Make a list of your favourite foods and try to put them in alphabetical order | Write a fairytale but make yourself the main character! |
Write a sequel to your favourite book | Write 3 questions that you would like to ask someone important | Write about your favourite animal, hobby or place | Write a description about someone in your home and an adult has to guess who it is about! | Ask an adult to write 3 reasons why they are proud of you |
Write a thank you card to someone | Write a report about someone you look up to | Write all of weekly spelling words and make a game of snap/pairs | Read a story and write a brief summary of what it was about | Write 3 sentences and check them over for capital letters, finger spaces and full stops |
Write a word with your finger on someone’s back and they have to guess what it is | Write a poem with someone at home, remember those rhyming words! | Write a story using some Scots words | Ask your adult to give you a sound (e.g ch) and you have to write as many words as you can thing of beginning with that sound (e.g chips, chicken, children) | Make a wordsearch for an adult |
Remember try and get BINGO by getting 5 in a row, column or diagonal!
Spelling Activities P3 – Week beginning March 23rd 2020
This week we are focusing on common words beginning with ‘b’.
Here are the words for each group listed below.
You can copy these out, then cover them and try to spell them from memory. You can copy them in to your jotter provided.
Day 1:
Task 1: Complete the handwriting task below (if you do not have access to a printer – you can copy this in to your jotter using a ruler :))
Task 2: Highlight the common words in the silly story with a highlighter. (again if you do not have access to a printer, read the story with an adult and point out all the common words when you find them )
If you complete these tasks you can choose something from the spelling section on the home learning grid
Day 2:
Task 1: fix the spelling mistakes (if you cannot print this, ask an adult to help you copy it )
Task 2: Wordsearch – find all of our common words (point to the words on the screen with an adult if you are not able to print J )
If you complete these tasks you can choose something from the spelling section on the home learning grid
P3 Maths and Numeracy tasks – Week beginning 23rd March 2020
Skill focus: Numeracy – Multiplication and Division, Maths – Time
** Please note that any of these games can be adapted to any timestables so if your child is confident and ready to move on to the 7 or 8 timestables, you adapt these accordingly **
Day 1:
Task 1 – Warm-up:
Sing our Timestables songs. Here are the links below:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yf3xgE8wMc (2 timestables)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KyDZ7f1RfE (5 timestables)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlVJhAIruCc (10 timestables)
Try skip counting in 3s and 4s, and match up the timestable facts.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_cn87hOCDM (3s)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YrR5OIj_AA (4s)
Task 2 – Main:
Play a game of Build a Box, using your multiplication and division skills. This is a new game so read the instructions carefully J (if you are unable to print you can make this easily on a blank piece of paper )
Challenge: Make a Build a Box game for the 3 or 4 Timetables
Day 2:
Task 1- Warm-up:
Multiplication and Division online game (2 player) new game
You can select the timestables you want to work on, you can select more than one at a time (see example below with instructions )
Task 2 – Main:
Trios for Multiples (new game)
Intended learning: To identify sequences of numerals representing three consecutive multiples.
Resources needed: deck of cards for whichever times table you are working on, you will need four copies of each card.
(For example: if you were playing with the 2 timestables you would need 4 cards for each of these numbers; 2,4,8,10,12,14,16,18,20). As shown below.
Instructions: 2 or 3 players are each dealt 5 cards from a deck of numeral cards containing multiples of a given number (the example above shows in 2s). the remaining cards are placed face down, forming a draw pile, and the top card is turned over and placed beside the stack, forming a discard pile. The goal is to collect a series, or trio, of 3 consecutive multiples (for 2s, an example of a trio would be 4,6,8). At their turn, a player may take either the top card from the draw pile or the top card from the discard pile. If the player’s hand contains a trio the cards are displayed on the table and saved by that player. Whether or not a trio is formed, the player’s turn ends by selecting a card from their hand and placing it in the discard pile. If the draw pile is depleted, the discard pile is shuffled to form a new draw pile. The game ends when one player is out cards. Whoever has the most trios wins. See example below.
Challenge: combine decks of several sets of multiples – for example you can add 5s and 10s in – children then must decide what sequence they are working on for a given number and which numbers fit into the sequence.
Day 3:
Task 1- Warm-Up:
Skip Counting online game (1 player) (new game)
You can select the multiples you want to skip count in and the ‘whack the mole’ in order of these multiples. In the example below, I have selected to skip count in 2s and so far I have ‘whacked’ 2, 4, 6, and 8 moles, so the next mole I will be looking for is 10.
Task 2 – Main:
Where Do I Go? Game (known game)
Where Do I Go? Is a game that we have played several times in class. It can be made easily at home with paper and pens/pencils. Here are the instructions below with examples of the sets of cards. You can make the cards so that they start from any given number – for example, the 2 timestables can start from 12 and go on from there rather than starting at 2.
Challenge: make Where Do I Go? with a multiple that you don’t know as well as the 2s 5s and 10s.
OR try it backwards!
Day 4:
Task 1 – Warm Up:
Watch this BBC video about multiplication and division using arrays
Task 2 – Main:
Play this game to make multiplication and division arrays
Here are some instructions about to use it
This is the first screen you will see (below):
Select the first number you would like to start making your multiplication sum. I have clicked 2, then on the next screen the times sign will show along with the numbers.
I have clicked 2 x 4. Pause here before you click the equals = button and use a scrap piece of paper to draw the array that matches this sum. When you have drawn this click the = button to check if you got it correct.
When you click the = button you will see what your array should look like J Pause here again and think about this array if it was divided – draw what you think it should look like underneath your first array. When you have done this click the divide sign ÷ and check if you are correct.
Click AC to start again and repeat this process again. Choose a new sum.
Challenge: If you feel confident in your 2s 5s and 10s, challenge yourself with the 3s and 4s.
Maths – Time
Task 1 – Warm-up:
Play our time game online. https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling-the-time
You can select different options on the menu to start of easy and progress in challenge throughout, as shown below.
Task 2 – Main:
Look out for these times throughout the day on your clock at home and record them in your jotter.
9 o’clock half past 10 quarter past 3 quarter to 6
Challenge: record in analogue and digital times!
Then, use the clock that you have made at home (as suggested on your home learning grid) to make different times as called out by your adult. If you haven’t made your clock you can make it now
Here is a template to help you:
P3 Other Curricular Areas Activities – Week beginning 23rd March
Health and Wellbeing/PE
Theme: Keeping Active
Joe Wicks has announced that he is going to be releasing PE videos at 9am weekdays on his youtube channel. These videos will be a great way to get moving in the morning and ready for your day ahead
Here is the link to his youtube channel below
Here is a game of PE Bingo too
Expressive Arts
Theme: Kindness – keep going with your Kindness Calendar P3A!!
Act out the following scenarios with someone and decide how you would deal with the situation in a kind way.
Note to Parents and Carers before starting this roleplay:
Art and Design
Create a piece of art that represents showing kindness to others or what you think kindness should look like. Here is an example below to inspire you (remember you can plan, design and create this piece of art in any way that you want :)).
Write a song about Kindness to a simple beat. Remember to consider the rhythm using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsJEMH_emBM .
Remember to incorporate rhyming words in to your song.
Here is an example to get you thinking about it:
It’s cool to be kind,
In whatever way,
We don’t mind,
There will be big smiles,
You will find,
If everyone in the world,
Could be kind
Try to plan and perform an interpretive dance all about kindness, this dance could be for the people in your home, showing them how much you love and care for them.
Here is an example of a dance about strength and bravery to one of our favourite songs from The Greatest Showman – This is Me
Theme: Inspiring Life of Jesus
Lesson 2 – What does Jesus look like? (Lesson 1 covered in school)
LI: Investigate the differing images of Jesus and explain the reason for this.
Activity: Ask children to say what they know about Jesus. Give them a true / false quiz, where they move to one side of the room or the other to show their answers to the following statements: Jesus was born in Bethlehem (T) / Jesus comes after Queen Victoria (F) /Jesus was British (F) / Jesus had 12 friends called disciples (T) / Jesus was a fisherman (F) /The mother of Jesus was called Mary (T).
Explain that whilst Jesus is a famous historical figure, very little is known about his appearance. Do children know why this might be? (Stories of Jesus are over 2000 years old – no photographs etc. from that time.)
Look at a variety of different images & discuss where the images may have come from. Show pics 1- 4 Jesus (Indian, African, Persian, White). Why has he been shown in each way? (Images of Jesus tend to show ethnic characteristics similar to those of the culture in which the image has been created.)
Invite children to discuss their own image of Jesus. Draw an image in their books and explain why they think he might look this way.
Complete lesson by viewing clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zfpvcdm
and explain that how we look is not a true reflection of who we are.
Social Studies
Theme: Sea Animal and the effects of plastic in the ocean
Our next topic in P3 is all about Sea Animals and the effects of plastic in the ocean. All classes have touched upon the start of this topic, but we haven’t been able to go into any depth as yet.
Task 1 – Warm-Up:
Think about as many sea animals as you can and list them. Next to each animal write what kind of habitat (home) that they need. Then think about why it is important that their habitat remains clear of any plastic.
Task 2 – Main:
Watch a whale’s tale
and come up with a plan as to how you would work together with your household to protect these sea animals.
Theme: Reduce, Reuse, Reinvent, Recycle
Task 1 – Warm-Up Discussion:
- Ask the children what type of things do we recycle? Bottles, paper, newspaper, plastic containers, aluminum cans etc.
- Ask them why do we need to recycle? Increasing population and an over reliance on products and packaging leads to too many landfills (there is only so much we can dump in the ground. We need more things that we can reuse more than once.
- What are some other good things we can do apart from just recycling? Reuse, reduce and reinvent. These ideas, along with recycling, are very important when it comes to humans looking after the planet.
- Reduce: The most effective way of managing waste is not to produce it in the first place. By not buying packaging we save things from being thrown out. Always look out for packaging that is recycled. Buy things from places that use fewer containers or let you use your own recycled ones.
- Reuse: This is the continued use of a product in its original form. For example, instead of throwing out your old microwave when you get a new one, you could sell it at a garage sale or trade it in. Try and use containers, plastic bags and newspapers as many times as possible.
- Reinvent: This is when you make new, useful things from recyclable objects. For example, using old plastic containers as lunch boxes, making crafts from old boxes and containers, making jewelry boxes from old containers, making original toys and dolls out of unwanted objects or even making costumes from recycled material. Junk isn’t always something messy like a banana peel, it can include perfectly useable, clean objects that just no longer serve their original function.
- Recycle: Wash, squash and recycle. Fold up old newspapers and tie them together. Make old things into new or different products.
Task 2 – Main
As data-handling is our upcoming topic in maths, let’s start with an easy tally chart like we do to collect our house points in school. Tally how many things that you are recycling each day. Think: is there anything else I can recycle? Or can I help my adult to find food in the supermarket that as little to no packaging?
Day/Material | M | T | W | T | F | S | S |
paper | |||||||
tins | |||||||
cardboard |
Theme: Food vocabulary
We have been learning all about names for different types of food in French.
Task 1 – Warm-Up:
Tell your adult at home all about the names for the different foods you know in French (the list above ^^ will help ).
Task 2 – Main:
Have a look around your house and try to name as different foods in French as you can. If you come across something that you are unsure of then ask an adult to help you look it up online so that you know what the French word is
Happy learning P3
From the P3 teachers!