All posts by Ms Kirk

Primary 5B’s learning the week

Literacy – We have been exploring different ways to create an interesting, eye catching news headline. We looked at using puns (homophones), alliteration, rhyme and a play on words/letters. Why not have a look for some super headlines to share with the class next week.

Numeracy – We have been looking at how a number can be made and partitioned using different resources. Why not ask an adult to give you a number and try to partition it using some of the ideas we have discussed.

IDL (Topic) – this week we talked about the terms prejudice, discrimination and human rights. We have learned what each of these words mean and how they are still things that happen today. Can you think of a way we can reduce or prevent these things from happening?

Primary 5B Learning

In primary 5B this week we have been learning:


Place Value – identifying the value of a digit when it is placed in a number.

Money – understanding that money has to be earned and looking at why we need money and how we can earn money.


Reading – continue with reading for enjoyment

Writing – learning how write a lead paragraph for a news article using the 5 question words (5W’s) (perhaps have a look at some articles at home and see if you can spot the 5W’s).

Health & Well-Being:

PE – working as part of a team and controlling the ball using our feet and our eyes to co-ordinate the ball.