This week we have been preparing for two big events.
Sports day was on Tuesday this week and unfortunately it had to be inside due to the rainfall over night causing the grass to be wet and slippery. It was lovely to see so many of our parents come along and support our Children. The Children all seemed to have a great time and many thanks to all our parent helpers who came along to help on the day.
Plant sale and cafe
On Thursday we had our plant sale. The Children have been preparing for this event for many weeks. They have been planting seeds and flowers outside in our garden. Mrs. Sharkey and Miss Bambrough’s mum also provided plants for us to sell so a Big thank you to them both for all their hard work. At the moment we have raised over £200. Once all the money has been counted by the office staff we will let you know the final amount raised. As well as selling plants the Children opened their café for parents to come along and have some juice and a cake. They enjoyed serving and chatting to the parents.
Thank you to everyone for coming along to these events and supporting our Children
On Tuesday afternoon the children enjoyed a visit from Evan’s mum, a chef at a local cafe bar. Evan’s mum showed the children her uniform and hair net and spoke about the different coloured knives used in the kitchen. The children asked lots of questions and were especially interested to know how to make cakes.

We also had a visit from a dental nurse who spoke to the children about how important it is brush your teeth and eat healthy foods.

Our eco-friendly green house is now finished and the children have been busy planting this week, thank you to everyone who handed in plastic bottles.
There will be no more story sacks or lending library until after the summer holidays, please kindly return any books and bags on Wednesday.
We have enjoyed lots of sunshine outside this week and would ask if you could apply suncream to your child before their nursery session.
Important Dates:
31st May, New P1 Parent/Carer Information Evening 6.30pm
The Children have been really interested in herbs. This has come from some of our Children who have been engaged in play in the house area of the nursery. The Children have been observed talking about things they are making e.g soup, salad. The have been chopping and mixing herbs and vegetables which has been extended into other areas of the nursery. We have given the Children the opportunity prepare and taste some herbs in the snack room. As an extension of this activity we have planned to plant our own herbs in the nursery garden over the next few weeks.
The writing table has been a busy activity this week as the Children write their letters to chefs in local restaurants asking if they are available to come and chat to them about there. If there are any parents who are a chef or know of anyone and would like to come in for a short time to speak to our nursery Children we would be very grateful. This would be a fantastic opportunity for them to meet people in their local community.
Please keep a look out for our new GIRFEC wall in the cloakroom which we hope to add to over the next few weeks. The Children have been discussing our new Emoji Friends which have been introduced at group time and the Children have been involved in naming them(have a look at our Gemma board). This displayed is an ongoing theme and information will be added to it from time to time.
Welcome back to everyone after our Easter break, we are all looking forward to an exciting Summer term. We would like to give a very warm welcome to all the new children who started Nursery this week and to those starting over the next few weeks.
In the garden the children have been helping to build our eco green house. We now need more 2 litre washed plastic bottles to finish and would be very grateful if you keep and hand in any bottles you may have.

Dates for your diary:
18th April: Stay Play and Learn
19th April: Family Learning Event
Our mud kitchen is in need of a ‘make over’ and would like to invite you to join us in Nursery on Wednesday 25th April at 10.30am or 12.30pm to discuss how we can achieve this.
Welcome back to everyone after our snow days.
The Nursery Children have had a busy week designing and making their own vehicles. They used cardboard boxes and other junk material and painted their vehicles when they were finished. Their work is displayed in the art area of the nursery, please feel free to have a look.
In the bottom area beside the smartboard we have set up the puppet show. We have provided the Children with Super Hero puppet/pictures for their role play. The Children have shown lots of interest and it continues to be a very busy activity.
A big well done and thank you to all the parents and Children who were able to design their own t-shirt. It was lovely to see the amazing effort from everyone. WELL DONE!

The children have been discovering lots of interesting things about rescue vehicles using ICT and have noticed differences in the colours of vehicles in different countries. Furthermore they have had lots of fun making their own rescue vehicles with the small construction.
The children had the opportunity to watch some ‘rescue’ clips and from this we had lots of discussions about ‘heroes’. This then led to children talking about costumes and masks worn by superheroes and they have enjoyed making their own masks, which we will continue next week.
Gemma’s words will continue from last week with the addition of disguise, please feel free to comment if your child is using the words , by using the post it notes in the cloakroom and giving to a staff member or popping in the suggestion box.
Please note the photographer will be visiting the nursery on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th February (am and pm sessions).
Our next ‘Stay Play and Learn’ session is on Monday 19th February and we look forward to seeing you then.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Children at Simpson nursery class have had another busy week. The Children have been taking responsibility by being Eco monitors. Every week different children are chosen to be an Eco monitor. They each have a different responsibility. We have a water monitor, light monitor, blue bin monitor and a food bin monitor. Please ask your child if they have been one, you can also check by looking on our Eco monitor wall in the cloak room.
On Thursday we celebrated ‘Burns day’. All the Children took part in having our own Burns supper which most of them enjoyed. As part of our learning we looked at Scottish books, tartan and Scottish food. There is a display of all our art work in the nursery. Please have a look at our paintings of Scottish coos.

The staff is continually observing the Children and have heard and witnessed lots of ‘Super hero’ play. Hopefully we will be starting a floorbook next week on this topic. Watch this space….
Next week we launch Book bug. Please look at the wipe board in the nursery clock room. All parents/carers welcome.
Thursday 1st of February 10.15 am Children and 2.15 pm children.
Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow