here is a few suggested activities you can complete at home. If you have not already completed the previous grids these are also available in previous posts.
Many thanks
Miss Butler
here is a few suggested activities you can complete at home. If you have not already completed the previous grids these are also available in previous posts.
Many thanks
Miss Butler
Good Morning,
working from home week 2 – click here
Here is a suggested grid of activities for any children working at home this week. As with last week I will pop some more activities on active learn (I know some children have enjoyed the worksheets from active learn – there is no pressure to complete these). As always if children have a sumdog/education city or IDL cloud login they are more than welcome. Please share any completed tasks with me either through twitter or via email to the office.
Miss Butler
Good Morning,
Week 1 Working from home – click here
Here is a list of activities that can be completed at home for any children in isolation. I would love to see any of the children’s work so please share on twitter or via email through the school office.
Good Morning p2c,
Wow, I can’t believe it is the final week of term. I am so sorry we didn’t get to spend this past term together but your work from home has been amazing! Thank you all for your hard work. You truly are a bunch of superstars!
Here is your grid for the week ahead but please have as much fun as possible! week-11
I will in in school for the report distribution tomorrow (Tuesday) at 1:30, I would love to see as many of you as possible – if you are able to come please bring a carrier bag as the children’s jotters and work from p2 will be available for collection tomorrow as well.
Have a great week,
Miss Butler
Good Morning p2,
Already we are so close to the end of term – how did that happen? This week there is a focus on looking back at p2 and remembering all the fun times you have had, have you any tips for the new p2s next year?
One of my favourite memories from this year was rookie rockstars – we sure did rock out. I also loved our Friday dances before P.E. What is your best memory?
Keep up the great work p2, we have very nearly made it through a whole term of home learning. You are amazing.
Miss Butler
Good Morning p2c,
I can’t believe it is another new week of home learning and only three weeks left of this school year. Where has the time gone?
You continue to impress me with the work I have been able to see so far, if you are able to send me some picture of your work that would be amazing.
This weeks home learning is using the same format as last week – one literacy, one numeracy and two other activities per day. If you cannot get all these completed please do not worry, only do what you can. Week 9 (2)
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch either by emailing the school office for them to pass this to myself or through a message on Twitter.
Have a great week
Miss Butler
Good morning p2c,
I hope you all had lots of fun the past two weeks with our fitness fortnight, I sure enjoyed the challenges set by Mr Tennant.
We have updated our grid this week to give you the option f one literacy, one numeracy and two other tasks per day. Please do not feel you must complete all of these tasks, they are optional. I would love to see some of the activities you have managed to complete. Please share with me on twitter @MissButlerSPS
I will be updating sumdog, education city and active learn throughout the week, so keep an eye out for new challenges there.
Now that Mr Tennents challenges are finished – mine have returned. Todays challenge is to carry out a random act of kindness. Remember you have to do this sneakily (it could be leaving a nice note on a loved ones pillow, helping with the washing up after dinner etc.) I would love to hear about your acts of kindness.
Keep up the great work p2!
Miss Butler
Hello everyone,
I continue to be overwhelmed at your amazing work.
Here is your home learning grid for the week ahead – please remember only do what you can.
I will be updating reading books etc over the course of the week, look out for challenges on sumdog
Miss Butler
Good Morning Primary 2c.
I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. I am missing you more and more as time goes on. I hope you are all getting on well at home and managing to keep safe.
As always your continued hard work at home has made me so proud, I have loved seeing some of the work you have managed to complete, please keep sending this to me either through the blog or pictures on twitter. I have heard lots of children have even managed to do a bit more, one was able to create their own nail bar – very well priced as well. I have loved seeing and hearing about all your creations.
This weeks home learning grid is attached at the bottom of the page. I have also assigned new reading books on active learn, this is a new system we have been given access too. Please let me know how the children get on with these. There will be sumdog challenges and new education city tasks set throughout the week. Well done to you all, you really do continue to blow my socks off!
Miss Butler
Good Morning P2c!
Here is this weeks home learning grid – with lots of fun and challenging activities.
I will be uploading new reading books on active learn today, we only get one book a week – as we would normally get in school. You can do some extra activities with these books too such as:
– a wanted poster for a main character
– create a few questions you may like to ask the main character / author / someone in the story
– use the bloom superhero questions to develop your comprehension skills
– create a new front cover etc
Have a great week p2, you continue to blow my socks off with all your hard work, keep up the great work
Miss Butler