We hope you all enjoyed Fitness Fortnight. Your teachers certainly enjoyed trying lots of different activities,
This week, I wonder if you can create your own puppet show.
Choose a book and then make puppets for each of the characters in your story. You may also create the setting for the story too. I wonder where it takes place, is it the farm, the zoo, the woods or in Fairyland?
What can you use to create puppets? In class we often draw the characters, colour them, cut them out and add to a stick. You can also make puppets from paper bags, wooden spoons or even socks! We can’t wait to see what story you decide to re-tell.
Here are some ideas for making puppets.

Some parents have also asked for more keywords. I’ve added 3 sheets with more keywords, these are quite tricky so only use them if you already know all your words. They really are a challenge.
How many of these words can you find in your books at home?
common words 1
common words 2
keywords 3
Many of you are already really good at blending your sounds to read words. There are lots of sheets added here to help you practise blending. Cut out a strip at a time, muddle the words and then see if you can put them together to create a sentence. Remember the clues to look for- a capital letter will be at the beginning and a full-stop will be at the end. You can draw a picture of your sentence.
muddled sentences.
I’ve also added some sheets where you need to cut out the letters and then see if you can make the 3 letter words.
worksheet u
I hope you’ve still been managing to look at books on Oxford Owl. Here are this week’s books. Choose the best book for your level.

Remember, these are some ideas to help you with your reading, choose your favourite activities and share your learning on Twitter or on Online Learner’s Journals.
Mr. McPherson, Mrs. MacCallum, Mrs. Lurinsky, Mrs. MacLean and Mrs. Davies